When Invited To Attend A Judicial Meeting Ask If Your Lawyer Could Accompany You

by Brokeback Watchtower 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    And see what they say. They will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the Service Department to get organizational procedures. If still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present. And then ask them who has fairer judicial practices Satan's world or Jehovah's earthly Organization.

    No recordings allowed, and Definitely no lawyers! A kangaroo court with hanging Judges for those who speak negative things about the Holly Organization.

  • stuckinarut2


    Also remind them that any similar meeting that would be required in a corporate or work place, would ALWAYS have an independent person present to witness the procedings.

  • carla

    Why not just show up with one? or someone who could do a good job pretending to be one. Don't give them a heads up that you even want a lawyer there with you.

    Don't they just go ahead with df-ing if you don't show up? This way at least you showed up and THEY are the ones who won't see you now with your lawyer in tow. Just think how they would squirm with a worldly person there, a lawyer no less!

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Why not just show up with one

    I suppose that would work but you might save some money my way. My way you save the lawyer cost unless he's working pro bono in that case bring him along.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I asked if my lawyer could attend even though I didn't have one. They got back to me and said no. I'm sure they got the exact wording from the CO or legal/service dept.

    So I like a fool went to their kangaroo court session where I was asked if I had any recording devices to which I said no, and told them they are hold a kangaroo court with all this secrecy stuff, to which a elder told me the no recording restriction was for my protected privacy to which I just laughed with scorn.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great point Carla!

  • zeb

    Please correct me.. but I understand the elders book states that anyone entering a judicial committee is accepting the power those elders have over them?

    Can some one say what is the situation here please?

  • Phizzy

    There are excellent Letters to be found On-line that don't "ask" for you to be "allowed" to have a Lawyer present, the Letters tell the J.C Elders how it will be., i.e, a Lawyer, a Recording and no announcement after that you would construe as Defamation, or the 3 Elders will be Sued individually.

    Such Letters have had great success in many cases, one in my own Congregation where the J.C was dropped and no action whatsoever taken against the person in question, who simply then never attended the K.H again. Walked away, reputation intact.

  • carla

    I've heard of the too Phizzy. Excellent and cheap way to go!

    Besides, what soon to be ex jw wouldn't like to tell the jc elders how it will go down?!

  • punkofnice

    When they refuse to allow a lawyer, get the lawyer to send a letter to state that they will be taken to court if anything is mentioned about you to the brethren.

    Trouble is, most 'repentant' jobos won't question the JC procedure

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