If God doesn't exist, what's your future?

by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Aztec, I couldn't have said it better myself. Now to go watch some TV...

  • Hamas

    A question that leads to great fear amongst those that at one time believed in God. If you were a dubya, you were so sure of things; such as everlasting life and what you can expect when you die. Yet when you find out information that contradicts that, you begin to get scared.

    We can let go of fear when we stare it in the face and consider the harsh realities that face us; that we are going to die. Remember the saying, the only thing to fear is fear itself ? Once we condier the fear of death, it will no longer scare us.

    Nobody knows what happens, yet I still feal there is an afterlife of somekind. Maybe more fool me.

  • Mary

    I believe that God exists, even if I can't explain alot that goes on in this life. As a Witness, I believed in a future resurrection here on earth. I'm not so sure anymore; I think there may be something beyond this life. I've heard too many people give stories of being visited by dead relatives, and I will not assume that they're all crazy or lying; I believe them.

    I cannot prove anything, as no one can. We all just have to wait and see what happens, but I do firmly believe that one day, we will all be together, either here on earth, or in heaven.

    Just my two cents.

  • drwtsn32
    I will not assume that they're all crazy or lying

    They're not all crazy or lying. Some are high or on powerful medications.

  • SheilaM

    Drw: Don't be to sure that you are right and others wrong. There is to much unkown in this world to pa shaw at what people have experienced

  • drwtsn32
    Don't be to sure that you are right and others wrong.

    Sheila, I was just kidding around.

    But I do admit I am very skeptical about those "experiences" and do not believe they are real. Just my opinion.

  • ballistic

    The earth will only be inhabitable for the next billion years before the sun burns it to a crisp and engulfs it, so as a civilisation, we only have that amount of time to build the technology to send us to other planets and make them habitable.

  • gumby
    The earth will only be inhabitable for the next billion years before the sun burns it to a crisp and engulfs it, so as a civilisation, we only have that amount of time to build the technology to send us to other planets and make them habitable.

    Ballistic, If you do go to another planet......stay away from the pleides . I heard a real mean bastard lives there who's name is Jehovah and he don't like you. Gumby

  • drwtsn32

    I thought God resides beyond the Great Barrier at the center of the galaxy? Oh wait, that was Star Trek 5.

  • ballistic

    OK Gumby, I'll bear that in mind. I have not yet been to pleides, I am normally on another planet.

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