If God doesn't exist, what's your future?

by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I am normally on another planet.

    Who cares ballistic.....your a great dude


  • logansrun

    I'm going to approach this question from a different angle:

    Doesn't everybody, whether they believe in an afterlife/God or not, want to get as much out of this life as is possible? Unless you are part of a fundamentalist religious cult like the JWs and are told not to have a self-fullfilling life, I think so.

    Getting as "much out of life" does not mean being a total hedonist, because being such actually will take away from your natural life. So, the non-believer logically should conduct their life in much the same way as a believer, albeit minus the religious mumbo-jumbo.

    Whether one believes in a life after death or not, what bearing does that really have to do on your plans and goals for this life?

    So, in a way, I think the question you raise is meaningless.


  • gumby


    I understand what your saying..... except...,

    Some people have a hard time moving on and being content with that thought. You are correct in the fact that there is nothing we can really do different whether there is an afterlife or not. However certain questions in peoples lives will haunt them until they know........so basically these questions haunt them their entire lives.

    One thing that would change your life if we knew could be....the fear of death. If I knew for sure I was going to a better place than here when I died.......I wouldn't care too bad if I died soon as life is tough for me. But if you thought this life is the last chance you have......you might live it a bit different. Just a guess though.


  • JH


    Whether one believes in a life after death or not, what bearing does that really have to do on your plans and goals for this life?

    Remember the devil has only a short time to live and he knows it.(rev 12:12) What does he do? He works overtime in his fury.

    I guess it would be the same for a non believer...who doesn't want to miss one little pleasure of life, because once he's dead it's over.

    The believer will be more balanced I think keeping in mind that after this life there is an eternal one.

  • gumby
    Remember the devil has only a short time to live and he knows it.(rev 12:12) What does he do? He works overtime in his fury.

    Sounds like something out of a Watchtower to me.


  • JH
    Sounds like something out of a Watchtower to me.

    It's from the bible

  • Country_Woman

    and from the bible (Solomon) as well:
    "There is more between heaven and earth"
    Maybe reincarnation ? try it another time with another religion ? Learning to be a better human being ?
    The Buddhist are saying that God has a thousand of names (and one of them could be Jehovah)
    But in this life we will never know for sure.....

    Curious if I ever will know.

    Country Woman

  • logansrun

    JH, You wrote: Remember the devil has only a short time to live and he knows it.(rev 12:12) What does he do? He works overtime in his fury. I guess it would be the same for a non believer...who doesn't want to miss one little pleasure of life, because once he's dead it's over. The believer will be more balanced I think keeping in mind that after this life there is an eternal one. So, let me ask...What are YOU doing "differently" since you evidently believe in the (Christian) afterlife? Also, are you honestly comparing a non-believer in the afterlife to SATAN? I don't understand the connection, in all honesty. Can you give an EXAMPLE of how a "believer will be more balanced...keeping in mind after this life there is an eternal one"? I am curious to your responses. Bradley

  • JH

    If a person was told that he had only 1 year to live, I guess that he would do so much in that year that he wouldn't have done if he had plenty of years left to live. Right? Knowing that you will die, and stay dead a person will tend to act like the example above.

    The only comparison with Satan and a non believer is that both know they will die and stay dead. The believer thinks he will live eternally and may content himself with less like the bible askes us to do.

    Read 2 Timothy 3: (1-7) and Timothy 6: (7-12) Anyways your beliefs are just as good as mine.

    If we come back to the original question, I'd like to hear your opinion on it.

  • czarofmischief

    Well, what do you really want out of this life?

    When you face your mortality, you find out what kind of person you are. A good person will cram as many good deeds into his remaining days as possible. A bad person (like Satan) will cram as much evil in as possible.

    If, JH, you assume that people facing death and nonexistence will cram in a hedonistic lifestyle, then perhaps you yourself are secretly longing for a hedonistic existence. In which case, why not live that life now? Because you are certainly going to die someday anyway, and probably when you think it least likely!

    Good people will do good things because they ARE the Light. Bad people will do bad things because they choose to love the Darkness. Death is a sidenote, really.

    As for what is after, well, I'm pretty sure there is something for the intelligent creatures, and maybe for the animals, too. After all, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy (science). And the whole experience of life seems geared to teach and improve the individuals.


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