On the lighter side of mental health issues, I was curious as to some good ideas you all had regarding the methods you use to reduce stress. I will give two of my favorites and hope that several of you would provide one or two others and then come back in a day or two if others miss a favorite of yours.
Two of my favorites are humor and music. As many of you know, I like to joke around, even though some of my posts are very serious. I love stand up comedy routines, love to tell jokes, and watch funny movies. Humor takes my mind completly away from ponderous issues. On the serious side of humor, Norman Cousins wrote a book about how he extended his life after contracting a terminal illness by watching his favorite comedy movies. Apparently, humor is good for the immune system. Plus, of course, it is down right fun.
Music has good effects on me too. I choose either soothing music or lively music depending wheather I want to relax or perk myself up to get stuff down. I avoid sad songs if I am in a meloncolly (sp) mood.
What are your choices for reducing stress?