Are You Easily Offended? 😠

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    As a child of 3 or 4 I went to bed with my " Gollywog" Now " Gollywogs" are banned in the U.K. As a child of 5 or 6 I used to Love " Tom & Jerry" cartoons. Now "Tom & Jerry" cartoons are banned in the U.K, for being violent and racist.

    I now realise what prejudice and violence kids like me were put through in my era :smile:

    The Rebel.

  • punkofnice

    This thread was telling. I learned who is easily offended and uses it as an excuse to whinge!!

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  • LoveUniHateExams

    Good thread, Min.

    Are you in the US or UK?

    Here in the UK, supposedly intelligent people with their delicate sensibilities are taking being offended to new levels. Most universities have what are known as 'safe places' - rooms in which no genuine opinion can be offered or nothing controversial said so that whiny students can have their world-view unchallenged and their precious views left intact, the poor little darlings!

    I weep for my country sometimes, I really do ...

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  • minimus
    Yeah, cartoons are offensive too. I watched an old All In The Family episode and he n word was used . Thank God for Antenna TV.
  • Scully

    "Being offended" is a way to control people to behave in the way you want them to behave.

    Personally, I think "being offended" in today's politically correct environment is a way for people to cop out of having to hear or own up to the truth about themselves.

    For example: ME: "You're a maple-sucking moose-humper!"

    MSMH: "Eh! I'm offended by that!"

    ME: "Sorry... I won't say that again." (even though it's true)

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  • punkofnice
    LUHE - I weep for my country sometimes, I really do ...

    I've given up. The lunatics run the assylum. Look at the bleedin' idiots in charge of the country. All mouth and public school morons.

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  • PaintedToeNail

    Rebel-I had to look up 'Gollywog'. It reminds me of a Raggedy Ann doll, except she has red hair. I'm offended that no one has been offended for red-heads who are offensively represented by a stylized red yarn-haired doll.

  • never a jw
    never a jw
    M&M's are offensive. They stand for everything that is despicable.
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  • snugglebunny
    Rebel-I had to look up 'Gollywog'. It reminds me of a Raggedy Ann doll, except she has red hair. I'm offended that no one has been offended for red-heads who are offensively represented by a stylized red yarn-haired doll.

    I used to date a redhead.

    No hair, just a red head.

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  • WingCommander

    To the poster above:

    Is Tom & Jerry really banned in the UK? Wow.....what a police state you live in.

    So let me wrap my head around this;

    Tom & Jerry - BANNED.

    Are you Being Served? - In constant re-runs.

    If I were a Brit, I'd consider jumping off Big Ben to end my suffering.

    How is Ireland? Do they have everything banned? At least they know how to drink.

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