In the 1960`s when I was a new convert , a 20 year old , I devoured the book "Jehovahs Witnesses in The Divine Purpose" outlining the early history of the restoration of true christianity in the world.It helped to convince me then that this was indeed the true religion......Not that I remember much of the details it contained nowadays .
I understand there was a poor attempt to mimic it with the " Proclaimers " book a much sanitized version of the early history of the JW religion. What reputable organization in the world ,secular ,religious or otherwise ,doctors their own early history/ beginnings unless they have something to hide or are ashamed of.
How many JW`s today would know that they were formed as the " International Bible Students Association" in the late 1800`s , or that their first President of that association was none other than W.H.Conley ,and not C.T.Russell.
Does it even matter ? does anybody really care ?
JW`s make a big deal about their claim to base their religion on first Century Christianity , however they seem to be very lax when it comes to sharing facts about their modern day movement on the scene in the late 1800`s .
No first Century christians ever identified themselves as Jehovah`s Witnesses , the Jews never ever did, and no other christians ever did until J.F. Rutherford in the 1930`s , even though it was a Spanish Catholic Monk who first coined the name Jehovah , adding vowels to the consonnants of the four Hebrew letters of the tetragrammaton in the13th Century C.E.
So from the13th Century till the 20th century the Catholic religion in their writings about scripture were using the name Jehovah that is seven centuries of using the name Jehovah ,which is inscribed on many churches throughout Europe.....So much for christendom hiding that name.
Much the same can be said about protestant religions during this time , they also used the name on churches and in their writings .
Do you think the average JW today are aware of these facts or even cares about them ? Are they bible students or not ?