My honey has his sport, Baseball! Kindly, gently, I can prod him to attend a Sunday doubleheader now and again. Poor thing is guilt-ridden all the way there. Has to remind me, over and over again, on the way there, that he has the Truth! Now I understand that his rapidfire assertions are not an attack on me, but a desperate attempt to keep his faith intact. What is JW faith made up of? Papier Mache (chewed-up paper)?
Mudwrestling?? Ask if he'd like to watch you getting a massage from one of those ladies in the back of the alternative newsweekly
. Yeah, baby! He would love it! What is it about JW’s and sex? Is guilt and repression some kind of huge turn-on?
Is he a good man?
Yes, a dear, sweet, “spiritually weak” but sincere man, who would rather die than give up his classics of the 50’s 60’s and the seventies. He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that music is not wholly “approved”. He is also a devoted “breast” man. It is this healthy dose of reality in his soul that makes him bearable.
Which begs the question, how many corners in a WT building?
So was there some kind of special announcement or what? Naah, just a talk. Whatever they said managed to impress my honey, though.
My actual comeback? My honey noticed my church was having a barbecue on the way home. So I told him, sure, the churches are clueless. All they do is have barbecues and do nice things for people. That made him laugh.