Why make a scene by partaking?
Well, if you're a Christian believer you might decide to give a witness for what you believe is true.
And even more so if you are disfellowshipped.
Why so?
Because if you are DFed and partake you are fellowshipping or communing with all others who are likewise partaking. Btcha the GoBos would not like it, but the Biblical reason for observing the Memorial is for believers to commune, to be with others as one, united in Christ.
So if they do not want you partaking then they should not have it open to the public and invite people who are not expected to take part.
I'm partaking and if anyone at the KH does not like it, so what?
I'm not doing it for them, but for my belief in Christ and to show unity with all who also believe in following Jesus,'command to keep doing so.