Thanks so much guys for all this replies, comments and advises!, I read every post of yours carefully, but I will try to reply to some of them.
Pete Zahut
"why not go somewhere else where they do it in a manner you approve of and avoid all the unnecessary brew-haw that is sure to ensue with the JW's "
You see, Avoiding this memorial is my #1 choice, thats exactly what I wanted to do, and will try my best to avoid going to the memorial, BUT, I cant be sure about this, because avoiding memorial is also equally considered like a serious mistake by JW's! and amoung my JW family, they would be schocked if I am not present in the memorial! and would create unwanted sorrow in the family.
When the bread and wine comes around, go ahead and partake of it if you want to but be prepared to be asked about it and be prepared to tell them just what you've said here.
Why you think they would ask? as per JW's, being anointed is between Jehovah and the Individual correct?, no one can Judge the partaker here correct?, if the partaker was mistaken, as per the JW explanation, he will face punishment from Jehovah. If at all they ask me anything, I would gently tell them that, they need to pray and ask Jehovah for why he gave this gift to me, and Society says people should not see anointed as so special and they will be like normal members, being anointed is between me and Jehovah and doubting this is doubting Jehovah himself!.
there could be further action taken that would change the course of your life in terms of friends and family.
Can you shed some more light on this?, this is why I actually made this post to know what kind of actions they can take if I partake? AFAIK, the worst case is, I would say, if its a mistake for me, I will ask Jehovah to forgive me and stop taking the next time, and they would forget this issue soon. But is there anyway they can DF me? thats what I wanted to know..
oppostate, you made the points clearly!.. thanks!
why do you feel the need to partake at thier memorial?
I really dont want to, but if I happen to attend the memorial because of family, the prayer is made that the bread is the flesh of Jesus, wine is the blood of Jesus, and I being present in that prayer, and when Flesh and Blood of Jesus was given to me, I dont dare to pass it on that I dont need it!, I feel its a biggest sin ever! either I should not attend the memorial which will try, Or if I attend with no choice, I cannot pass it on! (Matthew 10:33 - "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.) there are so many thing behind observing the Lords Supper!.
scratchme1010, I will take your advices, but let me tell you, we cannot murder or steel just because our family members and people like it correct?, I believe passing on Flesh and Blood of Jesus is a more serious sin than murder, which I cannot dare to do for my Family members. I agree that I should avoid going to memorial, but IF i happen to go...
If you must insist that passing on the bread and wine is a sin, then make sure you are not in the seats during both parts.
OnTheWayOut, Many of your ideas are good! I can try this, but during the memorial emblems, the attendends are keep watching, if i try to move from my seats, this also would grab their attention and obviously they are going to enquire me later and this could also cause some problems I guess.
Diogenesister, thanks for understanding my situation!
If you feel it is a rejection/ insult to Christ to pass the bread and wine over, then do partake. As a JW in good standing they will most definitely "count" you as believing you are one of The anointed.
I am not really worried weather they accept me as anointed one or no, or they think I am crazy, Metally unstable. etc. I think they already think about me like that.. I never spend more than 3 minutes as soon a meeting is over! I never used to talk to anyone there. but only thing I am worried is, if I partake, will it make them to DF me in anyway? I cant say I am in good standing, but officially I am an active JW.
What you must NOT do if you don't want to be DF is say you DO NOT believe you are anointed but that Jesus IS your mediator. You will be seen as rejecting WTBTS doctrine.
this is very true!, I will do that!.
I will do the best to avoid going to the memorial, but in anycase If happen to attend the memorial because of the family and If it will not going to DF me, then I would try to partake. I am Irregular JW, but still an active JW, not Inactive yet.
I am sure they are going to be confused how I am able to partake it, but I dont think they will dare to ask me the question how I can do that.. may be they can think in their hearts and speak with others, If they ask me I will tell them "do you have doubt that why I got this gift? do you mean you doubt the holy spirit?" I dont think they would dare to go further asking me anything...