
by be wise 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bibbitybobbityboo

    I tried lots of different drugs in high school. But to me it was just something to do once in awhile with my girlfriends for a good giggle. I stopped all together when some of my friends started taking it seriously and regularly. Some of them never recovered. Just not my bag baby.

    When it comes to MJ, I don't personally use it but I'm not judgmental about it. To me it's like alcohol. I don't mind it when it's used responsibly. I don't think it should be illegal.

    Now, when it comes to drugs such as speed, cocaine, crack, X, heroin and the rest I have to be honest and say I HATE them. I've seen first hand the lives those types of drugs have ruined. They serve no useful purpose for society. I don't think they can ever be used responsibly because they are highly addictive and cause destructive behavior. If I had one wish it would be that those types of drugs simply didn't exist. What a difference it would make for so many individuals, families and communities.

  • blackout

    Id like a beer thanks.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Um BTW....X is considered a hallucinogen...*LOL*

    Valis, very true, but it is a very mild one and the affects don't last anywhere near say 'proper' hallucinogens and can be controlled to a large extent depending on how much you have.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice.

    I had a pill cut with some hallucinogen or other one time oblivious to me (hmm) lets say pretty strong affects. Some of it was amazingly good, some of it amazingly bad, but not the place I'd choose to put my brain in either way. Like I say I don't go crazy when I do take them, 2 or 3 would be my limit. I would MAYBE get very mild hallucinations but not anything I couldn’t control.

  • Bendrr

    I see y'all talking about Ecstacy and I'll say this. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Not unless a real medical doctor handed me a real prescription and a real pharmacy filled it. X on the street or in a club? No thanks. There's so much "fake X" out there and it's pretty dangerous stuff to be putting in your body. Folks, they're brewing this stuff up in "mobile labs" -- to borrow a term -- and making it from god-knows-what.

    Not this body, thank you! I'll stick with what I know and trust.


  • Xena
    It improves my dancing ability and helps me sing. People who don't drink enough may disagree but what do they know ?!

    *giggle* I guess I didn't have enough to drink huh Simon...ROFL..sorry it was just to easy

    hhhmm MJ has been very good to me...it taught me how to relax and just be myself, I find I need it less and less now to get that effect...but I still enjoy it from time to time with friends.

    X was interesting but not something I want to do again cause the downer the next day was just to bad!

    Speed scares me cause I like it so much...I worry a lot about addiction so I doubt I will do it again, it just made me feel TO FREAKIN GOOD..

  • enigma

    I have been addicted to painkillers (vicodin, oxycontin) and heroin for the past three years. I will say it was not always bad. It does produce the most wonderful high feeling you could ever have, take the best orgasm you ever had and multiply that times about 100 and it flows thru your whole body and mind, followed by a wonderful warm,content,blissful feeling for a few hours and you get a idea how it feels. I was safe and smart when I used so I never worried about getting a disese or anything. I and my former girlfriend really enjoyed it for awhile that is until we got addicted (well even when I was addicted i really enjoyed it), that is the point where you use every day for a couple of weeks you stop and the next morning your body hurts, you have a runny nose, basic cold symptons, you feel like crap and a nice 40mg oxycontin or a bag of H will make all your real physical pain go away so you use. When you get to that point you are ***ked, as hard as you try to stop the physical pain is just too much, I'm not even mentioning the psyhcological cravings you get thats another story. Well my life and my relationship went to sh**. Luckly I still have my house and my car, but other than that I lost my business, my girlfreind and most of my possesions. I am glad I finnaly woke up and realized where my life was going. Well I don't do any drugs anymore (don't even drink) I just started a new business and everything is looking up. I started using vicodin, oxy's, stuff like that and in three years was doing heroin! So if you have a addictive personality at all I would advise staying away from all opiates. By the way my drug use did not have anything to do with being a dub, I have been out of the borg since I was 13-14yr old and I am 23 now. I was in a motorcycle accident 3 years ago and got prescribed painkillers and it went downhill from there.

  • Maverick

    I was in High School at the end of the 60's and into the early 70's, and that was a good name for it...'high school'! Tripped and smoked dope all the time...what a waste! I was a very, very, very smart guy. I wiped out enough brain cells that now I am just very smart! I wish I never did any of it! Now, if I need a change...two twinkies and a coca cola and I'm in an altered conscience state! Maverick

  • shamus

    I have done, and still do MJ, and Zoomers.

    MJ is okay. I only do it about 3 times per month... just to feel good. I think that if you do it every day, it's not good for you, and will eventually fry your brain. You need to be careful with it just like alcohol.

    Zoomers are awesome! They kick serious arse! We take them, and go hiking. It's the best fun since sliced bread! There is nothing more fun that walking around the mountains totally messed up on Zoomers! We only do that maybe twice a year, and have a blast every time.

    The thing here is just not overdoing it. If you find that you need something to get you through the day, you need help.

  • Trauma_Hound

    You could get high, off my spinal fluids. Been years however since I've done LSD, it was always my favorite drug, sex was awsome on it. I always had clean stuff. I had some very spiritual events on it also. You could say that it was the end of my dub-dum, because it opened my eyes. I don't even smoke MJ very often anymore, maybe once or twice a year, I barely drink also. I tried coke once, didn't like it, didn't think there was a point to it, in fact I tend to stay away from most opium based products, they don't do good things in my system, I usually bounce off the walls. Hell I was in a great deal of pain from my fall down some stairs, and I asked for a non-narcotic pain killer. The only thing I'm addicted to, is my girlfriend at the moment.

  • onacruse

    I used/experimented with cocaine, meth, LSD, psilocybin and marijuana (in my late 20s, when I was DFd) for a period of about 6 months. Been over 20 years since I last used any of them.


    PS: be wise, did you get my p/m?

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