Why were some ancient writings not included in the Bible as we know it? For instance the book of Enoch goes into detail of his experience of being taken to heaven and later coming back to earth to share his experience with his sons, and then later died a natural death. I have read this book and it is full of details that no one back then could have described without our modern science and technology we have today.
A Question for serious Bible Students...
by Jessica Rabbit 15 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Traci:
You are correct in that there are quite a few writings that were not included in the bible cannon - the gospel of Timothy is another one.
It was around 300 AD that a group of Roman Catholic priests and bishops gathered together to determine which of the writings would be included in the "bible" - I do not remember the name of this group off the top of my head but you can do some research on the internet to determine more.
Here is one history on how the books were chosen.
Jessica Rabbit
Thanks Dawn and jgnat for the information.
I believe it was the Council of Nicea.
Read the blue 'God's word is inspired book'. The one studied at the service meeting sometimes. It explains why the books that make up the bible are accepted as part of the genuinely inspired bible canon and some aren't.
Many apocryphal books are just embellished history's of the wars of the Jews and never bore the mark of inspiration. Just interesting history books. Some books are spurious and the evidence to back them up is not solid enough.
Because, dear Traci... and the greatest of peace to you... the Bible... is NOT the Word of God... nor is it inspired. The Bible is a collection of MANY books - hence, it's name... and the "wearisome"ness it causes mankind!). Such books contain "scripture" (Moses, Psalms, the Prophets and the Revelation), AS WELL AS histories, chronologies, letters and records regarding Christ written "according to" this one or that.
There are, however, as many have correctly pointed out, "scripture" that is NOT contained in the Bible, (two very important items are the Book of Enoch, as you've named... and the Book of Jashur)... because "certain men" have taken it upon themselves to deem such as uninspired and/or unworthy and so have omitted them. There are gospels written by others (Thomas, Mary, Barnabas, etc.) that are not deemed to be inspired, and thus are not included, while Luke, which is DEFINITELYNOT inspired, is included. Luke 1:4
There is also the very PECULIAR situation where only two of Paul's letters to the Corinthians are included (he wrote 3 - 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 12:14; 13:1)... and considered "scripture" by many... and those who believe that have always based it on their belief that God would keep it all intact - which has led me to ask my Lord why is it, if Paul's writings were inspired, his first letter is not included... and if was not included because it was not inspired, on what basis do we say the other two were?
Unfortunately, there are many... MANY... who are SO convinced that the Bible IS the (written) Word of God that when you show them FROM THE BIBLE that it is NOT... (John 1:9; 5:39, 40; 7: 37, 38; Revelation 19:13)... they come... well, unglued. And that is because they have so much of their FAITH... in the Bible... rather than in the One about whom it speaks... that they cannot "see"... or "hear". They have, however, put their trust... in earthling man. Unfortunately.
The TRUE God, however, the Most Holy One of Israel, the one whose name is JAH of Armies... does indeed have a Word... His Son... who speaks to us for him. Hebrews 1:2; 12:25; Matthew 17:5.
May the glory and might be to that One... and to his heavenly Father and mine... to time indefinite,
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,
Jessica Rabbit
Hello AGuest!
I love your input on this. You are definitely looking outside the box. My religious upbringing was hindering me from feeling comfortable about purchasing some books recently, but now I am so glad I did. Not only did I find one with the book of Enoch, but also two volumes of the Ante Nicene Fathers. They include the writings of Justin Martyr, Irenaus, Syriac Documents and The Clementina. I am so thirsty for knowlege, I can't put these books down. It feels good to have a one-on-one relationship with my Creator without worrying about someone telling me I am doing something wrong by wanting to read a book printed by someone other that the WTBS.
Hi traci
Can you tell me where i can buy this book from,my friend told me a long time ago how she would love to have this book so i have always wanted to buy it for her.