Jessica... I've only recently started doing research with a free mind. I did, however, do a little research into the Apocrypha while I was still a dub.
Much of the Hebrew apocrypha seems to date to the Hellenistic age of Judaism. Many of the books were written in Greek, rather than Hebrew. Also, many of them are pseudepigraphic... i.e. they claim to be written by historical individuals mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, even though the evidence points to their being written in the Hellenistc period. So while I wouldn't dismiss them all with a broad brush, I'm personally inclined to trust the rabbinical canon of the Hebrew scriptures. (Although some books, such as Esther, are definitely questionable.)
The Greek canon, however, is a total mess. As was mentioned, it wasn't officially established until the 4th century. There is lots of Christian literature from the first century that was not included in the canon; and various of the books now considred canonical--such as Hebrews and James--were controverisal for the first couple of centuries.
So unless one believes in the authority of the Catholic Councils, I don't think that there's really any option but to research the matter for oneself, and decide what books to accept. I hope to begin doing that shortly.