I met D F 'd elder's wife yesterday.....
by termite 35 21 Replies latest jw friends
And then, umm..?
termite 35
You thought that was a joke did'nt you ?!
my computer keeps crashing- i'll try again...
We bumped in to eachother yesterday; she was disfellowshipped a while ago and is back in education- studying for a degree.We talked and talked for AGES It was such a lovely surprise; she was one of those people you occasionally found at the hall who you really liked , she was souch a laugh; i'm SO glad she's out.
AND, to top it all, she's living with one of my husbands oldest friends who we lost touch with a few months ago !!!
So now they're coming over for a bit of a party in the garden - at last- someone I knew is OUT
Termite, I see in one of my posts about that pub you posted a pic of, my mother lived in that village believe it or not!
wow, that's so great that you are re-aquainting yourself with old friends. But bear with me here, Termite, I'm a bit confused (you know that's not hard to do to me) but is this lady still married to the elder? just wondering why she "living" with your hubby's old friend! <trying to keep it all straigh>
btw, glad you got your 'puter to work!
ps, will we be seeing you next month @ eman's bbq??
termite 35
H there Skinny
really? my husband and I went there on our first date for a few games of pool and a pint of ale- have you been there? I love the 'no bar' bar set-up. Did you come from there too?
I haven't actually been to that pub, as they only lived there for two years after I left home, but I still thought it was a strange coincidence.
I'll be there joy.
termite 35
Hi Joy; glad your paying attention !
She left elder hubby; met our friend after a few months and then nearly went back to elder- as he wanted her desperately , but would'nt take her back unless she came back to the truth..(.silly, silly man- he's lost a beautiful amazing woman) so she declined and has decided to make a go of the new relationship. She's not divorced yet- but very happy
i'm hoping to be there; and may even stay over as I have secured permission to party
whoohoo, "skinny" will be there!!!
*I knew Termite wasn't talking to me!!
Ballistic, can't wait to see you blow that big horn again, like you did last year.
I was hoping to arrive on a new motorbike but as I'm about to be made redundant, I've still got that clapped out heap of trash I arrived on last year. Oh what fun!
Look forward to the digereedoo!