Was reading some early 1990 WT articles relating to the UN, and was amused at the expression 'soon' God will and do this and do that etc.
It made me wonder just what does this expression mean to the average JW. How relative is this word 'soon' and 'shortly'. Does soon mean in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20, 30, 40...(u get the picture). At what point does it become a lie or prophetic presumptousness when a religious organisation has said something will happen SOON, or SHORTLY, but that thing doesn't happen....?
The GB would probably dish up some baloney that all the articles they've written over the decades should be considered from Jehovah's viewpoint, ie, 1 day + 1,000 years where they've used the expression 'soon' the system will end, God will 'soon destroy babylon the great', Armageddon will 'shortly' be unleashed, etc etc, .
Meantime they have license to keep psychologically manipulating people into remaining in the Borg out of fear cause SOON the system will end.
Actually, would anyone be interested in researching how many articles up to, say, 1993 (well allow a 10 year gap to qualify as 'soon' to be lenient on them ) where study articles pertaining to the end of the system have said SOON, or SHORTLY, or similar words. I bet there are 100's & 100's.