Leaked 2018 Elders Training Video RE: Elders Reviewing Pionieers
by pale.emperor 83 Replies latest watchtower bible
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carla2 days ago2 days ago
"840 hrs per year? Imagine if they had to pay them minimum wage!
840 x 7.25 = $6090.00
840 x 15.00 = $12,600.00"
$15.00 / hour in Ontario and $12.00 / hour in Québec starting this summer.. yep
@Unshackle the chains
You forgot to put in the picture of the fat one.
I listened to this video and couldn't help think these guys were just like the Pharasees. They are splitting hairs for crying out loud. From the very beginning I never understood why there would be pioneers in the first place.
Shouldn't everyone just "go out in service" and let by gones be by gones. Just leave it alone. Why all the dick measuring.
I just don't get it, and never will. What a waste of time!