OMG, was I a Free Mason?

by Winston Smith :>D 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Lunch break, and I think I’m going to be sick.

    There are old Watchtower’s at our KH with the cross and crown symbol. It was always rationalized to me as a symbol from Christendom that finally got rooted out.

    Now I see that it was a blatant Free Mason symbol!

    Geez, no wonder Russell went on about the Great Pyramid in his explanations of 1914.

    And his gravesite, I wonder why this wasn’t in the Proclaimers book???

    The more I dig into this cult, the more nauseated I feel for having wasted over half of my life with them.

    If any of you are going to Madison, WI this weekend [yea, the moles are honing in on my location], look for a deranged lunatic to run on the stage on Saturday during the “apostate” part screaming

    At least I have this forum. If it wasn’t for this, there is no way I would be able to keep my sanity RE: this Satanic BS for the sake of my dear wife.



  • bluesapphire

    Winston, been there, done that. Just take it slow and easy. After the initial shock about the truth ahem ... lie .... it all starts to pan out. Just don't do anything stupid. Any decisions you feel you need to make, make them slowly.

  • Yizuman

    Found a link to this website from the top link you provided...


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    No, I’m not really going to run onto the stage

    But the information I keep finding RE: the WTS is beyond anything I could have imagined.

    It seems the arguments for Russell being a mason vs. no he wasn’t can go both ways. Masons say he never was on the register. Plus his life was too scandalous to let the FM’s even consider him as a FM.

    But with the WT being permeated with symbols from the FM’s, “false religion”, and Egyptian religion it’s amazing that the WTS argues that Russell and the Bible Students were chosen as the F&DS because of their exemplary conduct and strong understanding of so many Bible truths.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    Any guy can go into an army/navy store and buy camo BDUs - that doesn't make him a soldier.

    Chucky Russell was NOT a mason - he just did the old "cut and paste" with masonic symbols to suit his own purpose.

    You can relax, you are not a mason by virutue of having hung out at a Kingdom Hall during some of your mis-spent younger days.

  • Yizuman

    Um Nathan,

    Sorry, Chuckie was a member of the Masons and so was Judge Rutherford.

  • xjw_b12

    Winston. Your reaction, sadly enough, is very typical of those who have visited here. Astonishment, replaced by a very deep seated anger, once you have discovered just how much you have been lied to all these years.

    Relax, friend. Take it all in, but relax. Breathe deeply, breathe slowly, and be prepared for what you will uncover, because it's really going to tick you off.

    xjw_b12 " I just want to know the truth, because I've been lied to all my life "

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Thx, xjw_b12

    Winston. Your reaction, sadly enough, is very typical of those who have visited here. Astonishment, replaced by a very deep seated anger, once you have discovered just how much you have been lied to all these years.

    Relax, friend. Take it all in, but relax. Breathe deeply, breathe slowly, and be prepared for what you will uncover, because it's really going to tick you off.

    Thanks, this does helps a lot.

    I have been upset and hurt over the years at what I have found on my own just within the WTS’ own CD Library concerning inconsistencies and other issues unbecoming for an organization, which claims to be used by Jehovah.

    With the additional info that I am finding this last week now that I am finally allowing myself to be exposed to “apostate” info feels like taking a crowbar to the to the skull while laying in the ICU.

    You are right. I need to breathe and takes things a little slower.

    *deeeeeep breaaaaathhhhh * I feel better already

  • coffee_black

    There's really nothing 100% conclusive, but there are a lot of clues.

    JWs used to meet in masonic temples in the early 1900s. I have pictures of my family in front of such buildings, with captions that read "masonic temple, NY, meeting place for the IBSA. (the early name of the JWs) There is also a picture of a building that is in "Pastor Russell's Sermons" under which it reads: "The New York Temple, built for the use of Pastor Russell when he in the metropolis". If that is a masonic temple, and it was built for Russell's use, then I think that would be strong evidence that he was a mason...or why else would they build it for his use? The building is on 63rd street, I believe, and it is also pictured in the proclaimers book. (not with the above caption though.)

    I know that masonic temples are sometimes rented out for other purposes, but would the jws rent a church or other building of what they consider to be"false religion"?

    Russell also believed and wrote about Pyramidology, which is written about by some prominent Freemasons, such as Charles Piazzi Smythe.

    I don't know if you can connect all the dots, but it's intriguing.


  • plmkrzy
    Sorry, Chuckie was a member of the Masons and so was Judge Rutherford.

    Actually it is probable that "chuckys" father was "associated" with freemasons, however "chucky" was never a freemason and neither was the "judge"

    Those rumors have been going around for long time and they have already been proven bogus many many many times.

    Russell’s experience with freemasons is all documented for anyone who wants to look into it.

    Russell considered himself a "mason" in the same since Jesus was a "mason" and in the same since he "viewed" freemasons as "masons" before he learned more about freemasonry. Or before he learned more about one of the many branches of freemasonry. Once he learned more about them he decided they weren't worthy of his "character support"

    I suggest doing some sound reasearch rather then listen to rumor if you want "facts"

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