The bit about his being buried in the yard of a masonic temple is false. The cemetery is across the road from the new temple building which was built many years after his death. His grave is marked with a pyramid as well as a normal headstone. In his own words as the link provided showed he was not a Mason and encouraged all to avoid association. But who cares?
OMG, was I a Free Mason?
by Winston Smith :>D 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I wonder if Russell had a funny hat and a secret handshake??? I can picture old Judge R running around in his bedroom at night in his Masons hat and cloak presiding over his mistress! What a bunch of goofs! Maverick
refiners fire
Winston. I dont know how much reading of Russells "Scripture studies" you have done, if any, but might I recommend Volume 3 -"thy Kingdom come" chapter "The Work of Harvest" pages 140 thru 150 and 180 thru 190 to you? Im sure you would find it most interesting reading demonstrating Russells view of organized religion and its evil tendancies.
Winston Smith :>D
I recommend Volume 3 -"thy Kingdom come" chapter "The Work of Harvest" pages 140 thru 150 and 180 thru 190 to you?
Thx RF, will do. I think that we have one of the SiS at the KH, don’t know which one though. I have read one of his sermons to the FM’s. In it he did say that he wasn’t a FM but that he and them had much in common. it had the similar tone as Paul’s speech was to the folks worshiping the "Unknown god". I forget the specific account.
Anyways, to me if he was or wasn’t isn’t as important as the issue of all of the symbols that were incorporated into the Int. Bib. Students at that time. How would Jesus select them as the F&DS if they were using items from FM, "Christendom, and Egyptology?
Thx for the input all.
refiners fire
Appears to be a website where the pastors studies are presented for examination.
Added after an examination of that site: Indeed it is, Winston. "Thy kingdom come" - "The work of Harvest" about 10 paragraphs down...