Harry Potter Versus The Watchtower.

by SpannerintheWorks 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Does anybody have any WBTS literature references that criticize, condemn or warn against Harry Potter books and films?

    You see, my wife and family (JW) "love" Harry Potter, and so it would be great to be able to show them how absurd the Watchtower Society is for condemning Harry Potter, if indeed it does.

    I am assuming the WBTS would disapprove of such demonic witchcraft and the like that is contained in the Harry Potter publications!

    Thanks for your help!


  • Mary
    I haven't seen anything official from the Borg condemning Harry Potter, but it's no secret that they don't approve of it and think it's demonic.

    The Society doesn't like to give specifics on ANYTHING........they just like to make vague references without actually naming names......you hear it at the meetings, the assemblies and in the KM about the "media" and "apostates" spreading "false rumours" about the Society. They don't come right out at tell you that they've been accused of harbouring pedophiles, but everybody knows exactly what they're talking about.

    With Harry Potter, the worst I've heard from the platform is that "parents have to be very careful when choosing what forms of entertainment they allow their children to watch. Would you allow your children to view a show about witchcraft no matter how innocent and fun it might seem? Such movies are very popular, but Christian parents would be wise to avoid becoming entrapped into Satan's snare."

    So no, HP wasn't mentioned, but everybody knew that he was referring directly to that movie.

  • blondie

    I have heard certain movies condemned by COs at assemblies; ET, Star Wars, Scream I and II. But usually it is as Mary says, the "principles" are given and you are supposed to understand which movie they are talking about. These are the unwritten rules that standard in spiritually abusive groups.

    Some JWs have gone to LOTR but condemn HP. Others go to Disney movies which routinely feature magic. So it depends on how much the elders act as your conscience.


  • RubaDub

    I do recall the movie Saturday Night Fever was mentioned specifically in the WT or Awake 2 or 3 years after the movie was released.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • scotsman

    Same again I'm afraid: Just condemnation from the platform, nothing in print.

  • Shakita

    The JW's are a "do as I say, not as I do" bunch.

    As was pointed out in another thread, the people who can not distinquish between fantasy and reality need to take a chill pill. Harry Potter is FICTION! The same people who condemn Harry Potter, are the same ones who go see "The Ring", "The Others", and don't forget "The Little Mermaid".....chalk full of mythical creatures from the sea!

    I have read all four Harry Potter books, and am looking forward to reading the 5th. If God doesn't like it, so what! What's he done for me lately anyhow!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • dmouse

    Harry Potter has not been mentioned specifically but looking at this comment in the October 15th 2002 Watchtower, page 11 it is hard to see what else they could be refering to:

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Thanks, everybody, so far!

    There must be some specific reference to the HP books/films!

    If I can find it, then I feel I could nail my JW wife's family! In a friendly sort of way, you understand!


  • Swan
    Harry Potter is FICTION!

    So is the Bible, but that doesn't stop JWs from taking it seriously, does it?


  • dmouse

    I'm certain they won't have mentioned it by name - they don't have the balls anymore. Besides, they got enough flak over their comments about ET.

    Awake 1983 7/8 p27

    E.T.—The Extra-Terrestrial burst on the scene in the United States this past summer, attracting theater audiences in record numbers. In only six weeks it grossed nearly $150 million. With spin-offs in E.T. dolls, toys and other merchandise—as well as the movie’s release in other parts of the world—it is estimated the public could spend a whopping $1 billion on E.T. Why the E.T. fever?

    The movie depicts an ungainly 3-foot (90-cm)-high creature from space, stranded on earth, who befriends a ten-year-old boy named Elliott. E.T.’s friendliness and benign powers, such as healing the boy’s cut finger and bringing flowers to life, win the affection of Elliott and his family. Sadly, a wasting illness appears to take the creature’s life. But when he is inexplicably “resurrected” before Elliott’s eyes audiences cheer. His touching good-bye, when E.T.’s alien friends take him home, leaves hardly a dry eye in the theater.

    Interestingly, many have noted parallels in the story to that of the life of Jesus Christ. Said Professor Albert E. Millar, Jr.: “I think the thing that struck me most was the idea of the capacity to heal, and then when E.T. died and was resurrected.” We have in E.T., then, an enchanting Messiahlike figure that gives momentary emotional release to our need for a true friend with powers greater than ours. Therein lies the movie’s great appeal.

    Despite its seemingly Christian message, however, the movie subtly condones youthful misbehavior. In an early scene we find youths playing “Dungeons and Dragons” in a smoke-filled room with a lighted cigarette on the table. Later on, when E.T. gets drunk sampling beer, and Elliott in telepathic sympathy feels the effects, it is all portrayed as something cute. Further, some of the language used by these children is gross profanity. This, along with the supernatural aspects of the movie, has bothered many Christians.

    Whether parents or their children see this movie is, of course, a matter of personal choice. But because of the movie’s great popularity, let us not forget that it becomes an effective vehicle for sugarcoating youthful conduct that is definitely wrong.

    E.T. may be a skillfully constructed and highly entertaining movie. But it provides no substitute for our True Friend, Jesus Christ, who saves us from this dying, wicked world. After all, E.T. is make-believe. Christ is reality.


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