dmouse, I was just looking for that article. Yes, spanner, the WTS does not mention movies by name in print any more. COs and maybe DOs might name movies specifically at the circuit assemblies or from the platform in the congregations, but you will see nothing in print.
On at least one JW DB, so-called good and holy, they justified going to the recent Matrix movies (R-rated) even the ones that live in the US. Those who live outside justified it by saying their rating system had no R-rated movies. They considered it a "conscience" matter.
Even when the movies are named specifcally as I heard, Scream I and II vilified by the CO, the sister next to me said she would wait and rent the video, or wait till it was on cable.
So, spanner, if you want to hit them, this won't do it. Most likely they will say, Brother GoodfriendswiththeCO took his family to see it so it must be okay.
Blondie (the hypocrisy is blinding at the KH these days)