I cam close to being disfellowshipped once,i was a servant so they only took awy all of my duties,and priv's.But i know a sister even dated her for 10 months who has been disfellowshipped 3 times.It was kind of funny because her 2 fleshly sisters got disfellow'ed around the same time and they all didnt seem to care and went to Jamaica for 3 weeks.1 of them even came back pregnant.
Have you or have you known someone disfellowshipped more than once??
by anakinsrise 26 Replies latest jw friends
Yes. My sister who is now a pioneer and married to an elder.
Why yes, ME.
My second son was disfellowshipped twice, at age 17 and again at 23. My father was disfellowshipped three times. He really didn't want to be a JW, and got caught a few times in "unsavory activities". He always thought he could get away with stuff.
I was disfellowshipped twice by the age of 21. To go along with that, I've also been reinstated twice as well, although the second reinstatement took a looooong time. At the moment though, I'm just faded. Been that way for a year now with no meeting attendance at all and no elders have made any calls at my door doing a witch hunt or anything, so the fade seems to be successfull.
2x here (1980, 2000).
haha...the annual "evaluation letter" I got at Bethel was real hard on that I suffered from "independent thinking." Guess they were right
I have never been, but my sister was DF'd, got reinstated just to be able to associate with her family, and then fell to inactivity. Manipulating the system rocks!
I was never disfellowshipped but I was reproved 3 times and and marked once before I faded...
Private reprof in 1979 for dating a worldly guy
Private reprof in 1980 for getting pregnant by the worldly guy
Elder's wife had me a baby shower in 1980 was hugh get together with famlies, presents, cake and baby shower games..
Got disfellowshipped in 1982
reinstated in 1983
disfellowshipped again in 1988
reinstated again in 1989
and was involved in disfellowshipping activites again 1991, but didn't go to their meeting and never heard from them again. My own elder dad has not even tried to shephard me.
Geeez Lisa - sounds like we could of had a lot of fun as dubbie friends
I was DF'd twice. Only because I didn't learn the first time.
Actually - I went back the first time because I thought it was my only option for salvation. But I didn't want to be there. After about 4 years I just couldn't do it any more so I got in trouble on purpose the second time - I guess I'd say on purpose because I didn't have to tell them what I was doing - they would have never found out - but I ratted myself out. Looking back on it I think I just wanted a way out.
By the way - I think I made a pretty good trade - the JW's for my husband. Yep - he's a much better deal!