Have you or have you known someone disfellowshipped more than once??

by anakinsrise 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    I should have been, but I never got caught except by one person who made a pact with me to keep it secret.

    I guess I really lucked out. Many here had to go through hell two or three times.

    I just had to go through it once when I DAed myself, and by doing that there wasn't much the elders could do to me. I took the only power they held over me away from them. That felt good.


  • Brummie

    I remember being with my then JW girlfriend when she was talking to a brother I didnt know, we were at her Kingdom hall, anyway at the end of the conversation she told me he gets disfellowshipped on a yearly basis, I thought she was joking and she wasnt, I was like

    Also a brother in our kingdom hall was disfellowshipped and before he went he casually shouted "I'll see ya in 6 months folks", and he did.

    The moral of this story is, if you are in the elders "clique" you wont have to wait the suggested 2 years before getting reinstated.

    Back then the thought of disfellowshipping for me was horrifying, today, for some, it seems so trendy, almost theocratic even.


  • wednesday


    itis all so subjective. I knew a sis who committed adultry, her husband remarried and she remaried. No one even told the cong. what was going on. she just shows up with a new husband. Most KH's she woudl have ben at least reproved.

    She was with the "in" crowd and got away with it slick. So much for fairness and all that. PO one of the elder body and u can be everso sorry and still get DF.

  • Brummie
    . I knew a sis who committed adultry, her husband remarried and she remaried. No one even told the cong. what was going on. she just shows up with a new husband

    and here's us getting reproved for reading Ray Franz book! That is shooOoo not fair!


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Wondering,-----can't people "get it right" the FIRST time?

  • seedy3

    Yes my now Ex-Wife she was DF'd for adultry, then again for her drinking problem, then again for adultry after her and I were Divorced, she was publically reproved a few times ( I don't remember how many) for her drinking and her driving drunk becasue she had about 4 DUI/DWI's. Funny though, both the guys she slept with never were DF'd, even though neither one of them were really very active in the Org and she was the one that went to the elders. One however just happened to be the PO's brother, who slept with anything that had female sex organs. The other is now her husband. I'm glad he's got her now, he can babysit her.

    I was DF'd once, had never ever been reproved either privite or public. When I was DF'd I never showed up for the Kangaroo Court, I told em to stuff it where the sun don't shine.


  • onacruse

    Mr. Kim:

    can't people "get it right" the first time?

    LOL...some of us are just gluttons for punishment, I reckon

    The WTS absolutely counts on the "pull of the heart" to get us "back in;" but perhaps even more importantly, to keep the others from daring to risk getting out.



    The very first person who introduced me to the JWs, was up until the last time I saw her: disfellowshipped 2X.

    A very dear friend of mine, her husband, whom I always looked up to, had been disfellowshipped 2X.

    It's neat, the funkiest and kindest JWs with me, were always the ones who had either been DF'd. Interesting isn't it?

    Rumour has it, that the woman who first introduced me to the J-Dubs, may have gone back (UGH!).

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    And the prize for "Continuous Repeated 'Wicked' Activity' goes to -

    ....drum roll......

    lisavegas420, with a very commendable two disfellowshippings, two reproofs, and good groundwork for a third disfellowshipping. Obviously a girl with a mission in life - to break up the family life of elders by involvement in her never ending committee meetings.

    cheeses - who, even he is finding it difficult to forgive you

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    My parents have both been DF'd and reinstated twice. Somehow I managed to be a good little JW, till I realized what a load of crap it all is.

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