On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post

by StarTrekAngel 372 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EdenOne
    I really don't care that you lied about me or whether or not you accept it. I've done my part.

    No, only in your imagination you have. A half-hearted apology is no apology at all. You were entirely out of line and calling me a liar and a hypocrite was entirely uncalled for and you haven't apologized for that, quite the opposite, you insisted on it. Besides, you avoided the main point of discussion and instead you chose to focus on an wholly insignificant detail and made a big fuss out of that. The very thing you often accuse others of doing, you're entirely capable of doing also.


  • Twitch

    Well written OP, and I agree wholeheartedly

  • Ucantnome
    i found the op too long to read
  • Oubliette

    name-calling and condescending, derogatory remarks aimed directly at the person that is defending an idea or opinion or belief that you don't agree with. That is the behavior at question.

    Thanks for clarifying. That is of course inappropriate.

    I believe it is not only acceptable, but indeed appropriate to point out inconsistencies and errors in beliefs as well as to correct false ones. But that does not mean that the one doing the correcting should try to make the other person feel bad nor should they attack them personally.

    On the other hand, I've both seen and been the object of personal attacks as a result of merely disagreeing with other posters on this forum. I have tried to get them to see that I disagreed with their content, ideas or actions, but they took it personally and responded with personal attacks. This betrays an immaturity on their part which is totally not conducive to rigorous intellectual discourse.

  • Oubliette

    How funny. I just noticed that (back on page 8) four people "Disliked" my request for clarification from EdenOne when I asked, "What exactly is 'that' type of behavior?"

    It is unlikely that it was EdenOne, as he/she immediately and graciously explained what EO meant.

    I don't take those "Dislikes" personally, but I do find it both annoying and amusing as it typifies the problem that the OP address and the very worst of this forum: people responding emotionally rather than rationally.

    Seriously, how could anyone "dislike" a request for clarification? That is NOT helpful.

  • Phizzy

    I think with some that it is a bit of the old JW mindset still being present. If you point out the things wrong with the JW religion then it isn't long before they start an attack on you, about three seconds is the longest.

    An Ad Hominem attack shows the attacker has no argument with which to defend their position.

  • Oubliette

    The OP is about respecting others and their views.

    And I think it's been well discussed that those two things should not be conflated or confused. It it possible to completely disagree with and even attack false and/or wrong beliefs without disrespecting the person. (Of course, not all people are worthy of respect, but that is a separate question).

    It is also important that if and when another person points out that we have a viewpoint or belief that contains or is possibly completely wrong, that we learn to recognize that and respond without attacking that other person.

  • Oubliette

    As long as you keep the accusation of me of being a liar and an hypocrite, save your words - apology not accepted.

    Digging in your heels is also not helpful.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Scenario 1:

    Christian: I believe God exists.

    Acceptable response: There's no evidence for God's existence/that's a silly idea.

    Unacceptable response: Stupidity can't be reasoned with/DERP!!!


    Scenario 2:

    Atheist: There's zero evidence for God or afterlife, so until someone provides evidence, I can't believe.

    Acceptable response: I agree/I disagree.

    Unacceptable response: You're gonna burn in hell.

    Come on, people - we're better than this. It ain't rocket science ...

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Reading some threads on this forum, I have concluded that in my opinion the opposite of love isn't hate but knowledge.

    The Rebel.

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