On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post

by StarTrekAngel 372 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    Azor: I don't understand the term pro science.

    While we sometimes use the word "science" in connection with a particular field of study (biology, chemistry or physics, for example), it really is a philosophical world view.

    Note this definition: Science - the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

    Science is a system or approach for acquiring knowledge.

    As such, a person could most definitely be for or against this particular approach to knowledge and understanding. It certainly undermines any person or group claiming to have revealed knowledge and to be the sole possessors of it.

    This explains why the GB of JWs, for example, are anti-science, although not explicitly. Their anti-science stance is subtle, but it is definitely firmly entrenched in their "theology," doctrines, policies and practices.

  • azor
    Oubliette I hear what your saying. I still don't get the term pro science. It's like saying im pro reality or anti reality.
  • Oubliette

    Not really. Reality is a concept. Science is a way of learning about it.

    It would be silly to say, "I'm pro-reality."

    But it makes perfect sense to say, "I'm in favor of a scientific approach to trying to understand reality, especially in comparison to what religion has to offer on the subject!"

    I'm not being pedantic here, this is what science is. Scientists use the term much differently than the average person in everyday conversation.

  • azor
    I get it. To all those out there who get their feelings hurt when their wrong or not quite right. This is how you grow you put your ego aside and learn from those that know more about specific subjects then you do. I don't care if I'm right or wrong what I believe or don't believe. What matters to me is the search for truth not falsely claiming you have it which is what belief in essence is.
  • Oubliette

    Thanks, Azor.

    I know that often I need to spend some time thinking about things before they make sense to me.

    Although I've been trained as a scientist for most of my life, it's only in the last few years as an educator that I've really thought deeply about what it means to think this way. It has made a huge difference for me that I spend a great deal of time teaching these concepts to young adults. I have to be very clear in how I use language and how I explain things.

    A few more thoughts on your previous comments that may help clarify it for any that are still not getting it:

    It is as appropriate to say, "I am pro-science," as it is to say, "I am anti-religion."

    Or similarly, "I am in favor of education and evidence-based knowledge and opposed to old wives' tales, superstition and myth."

    Sometimes we just need to spend some time with things and let them come together in our mind. Unfortunately, this is very antithetical to how we were indoctrinated to "think" while in the JW cult.

  • Viviane
    Blame wine for this post.

    Why would someone blame wine for you not knowing the situation or taking the time to understand the difference betweeen the two?

  • Viviane
    To answer your question, I've had many discussions with Muslims and had no problem at all - please tell me more about these discussions. Did you tell the Muslims that you didn't believe in Allah? That if Allah existed, you would regard him as violent, cruel, homophobic, misogynistic, tyrannical?
    Did you tell them that you viewed the Qur'an as the word of men, not God? Did you tell them your views on Muhammad? On Sharia law?

    Yes. why?

  • truthseeker100
    The definition of a Scientist is a truth seeker!! Nothing else should matter. And Viv Bag of Hornets!! LOL
  • GrreatTeacher
    Science is a method of understanding, not a catalogue of facts.
  • truthseeker100

    Science is a method of understanding, not a catalogue of facts.

    your statement is so true!! i wish everyone could see it. lol but then i'd be just like the WBTS.

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