Told My Parents Yesterday That I Don't Want to Be a JW

by Saethydd 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeb

    I agree with the use of King James. Because it is written in archaic English it s a little more difficult to read but makes for far more interesting reading; you cant skim it!

    Consider your parents plight with the other jw who will either pity them or look down on them and will be unable to converse without mentioning their wayward child. This is a distancing tactic so they the jw can feel righteous.

    Wish you well, be a good kid, eat well sleep well. Live long and prosper.

  • smiddy

    Well it is a bonus that your parents wont disown you ,it gives you and them time to come to terms with your decision

    .I think the thing we discussed which I find most pitiable is that they feel if God doesn't exist then our lives are completely meaningless, my father actually said that "If Jehovah doesn't exist one may as well shoot them self in the head."

    Every human being since time began who has ever lived has also died and will continue to die and that includes all people who believe in a GOD as well as those who dont.

    And the only people who believe otherwise are those who accept the ancient writings of humans of thousands of years ago who claim otherwise.

    "If God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son" ,why is he so intent on killing Billions of people at Armageddon when all he has to do is speak out himself and not use some humans who have their own agendas. ?

    Why cant people see that if GOD is who he claims to be ,he should be able to speak to his subjects without using a medium.( isnt that what spirit mediums do ? )

    And not condemn Billions of people to death because they cant understand the confusing ever changing message of nu-lite -old-lite that Jehovahs Witnesses have preached these 100+ years.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    "Get a good King James Version and throw away the NWT."

    The KJV (AV) has much to commend it as literature of its time.

    You may find this interesting (skip the first ten minutes of intros):

  • jwfacts
    "If Jehovah doesn't exist one may as well shoot them self in the head." ... That if one can't exist forever then they may as well not exist at all.

    It is an interesting concept. If a person cannot find joy living day to day for a short period of time, why would they feel that living forever would have any more meaning? Eternal life on earth will just be doing more of the same of life now, but without any end to it.

  • JW_Rogue
    It is an interesting concept. If a person cannot find joy living day to day for a short period of time, why would they feel that living forever would have any more meaning? Eternal life on earth will just be doing more of the same of life now, but without any end to it.

    Good point, the real fact is that many people just have not accepted death as their eventual end. It is not the purpose of life they are concerned about it is their own mortality. The meaningless of life without God is actually good because it allows one more freedom to pursue what they want now, instead of "waiting on Jehovah" for magical solutions.

  • ToesUp

    "Eternal life on earth will just be doing more of the same of life now, but without any end to it." would have to live EVERYDAY with JW's. I'll choose the permanent dirt nap over that anyday! lol

  • shadow

    So the meaning of life is to maximize your own enjoyment for the few years of your existence?

  • JW_Rogue
    So the meaning of life is to maximize your own enjoyment for the few years of your existence?

    The meaning of life is to pursue whatever fulfills you as a person. Contentment and pleasure seeking are two different things, most would pursue the first over the latter. However, since life is meaningless you have the freedom to do whatever the hell you want.


    So the meaning of life is to maximize your own enjoyment for the few years of your existence?....shadow

    Obviously, you need 24/7 babysitting so:

    1)..Your life doesn`t spin out of control.

    2)..You don`t take advantage of others.

    3)..You appear, somewhat normal.

    Image result for crazy dog

  • Saethydd

    Thanks for all the support and advice, though, I think I may have spoken too soon about their reaction, apparently, they didn't completely understand me the first time we spoke and told me yesterday that they won't be comfortable with me living here if I don't want to try and get reinstated any longer, so I guess my plans for moving out have been shifted to this weekend.

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