Told My Parents Yesterday That I Don't Want to Be a JW

by Saethydd 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2
    stuckinarut2 sorry to hear.

    Do you have someone or somewhere safe you can go?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I hope you had "Plan B" in place before you took the bold step to "be honest" with your parents about TTATT. I think the "new" reaction you describe is what you expected to happen. I'm sure they think they have to "take a stand" on Jehover's side.

    Good luck with the rest of your life!



    told me yesterday that they won't be comfortable with me living here if I don't want to try and get reinstated any longer

    "You Don`t Want To

    Be a JehoBot?".................."Time To Go!"...

    Image result for robot parents

  • Giordano

    Well if your not ready to move out so abruptly you could seek an accommodation with your parents about seeking reinstatement.......... even if you really don't want to return.

    It's the trying to be reinstated that your folks are looking for and between the three of you everyone realizes that you might not succeed. Your effort to respect the rules of their house may calm the waters enough to get another year or two out of the deal.

    This won't be the only compromise you will have to make in your life. So think this one through.

  • dogon

    The best time to get out is now. Always now. Remember lots wife don't look back. LOL. Had a sister tell me and my wife that this old system can not go on much longer about two months ago. LMFAO Really? Like I did not hear that in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s and 2000s bla bla bla. Same old shit different day.

  • dogon

    BTW this reminds me of when I was a dubber in Arcadia Fla many years ago. I had a carpet store after working for an elder for a few years. Set my own place up. The elder would insult other people when they wanted flooring done in their church. It was always churches are part of Satan's world. When I started I was having second thoughts about the cult. So I would work for churches. Helped me a lot get started in the community. The elders under the direction of the elder who owned a competing carpet store tried to nail me for working for a church. I knew there was a golden loop hole. I was not working for the church I was working for an individual who had me work for a church which is a way out. It now became a conscience issue. They could do nothing. If your parents get any guff for you living there and not being a dubber, they can rent to you. Now the dubbers have no say in anything. You can rent for a dollar a month or just say it. Depends on your parents. If pressure gets too much this is a way to shut the fuckers up.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Good thing they were not aggressive. However, if you start acting all crazy, far out of sync with the way you have been brought up, prepare to receive an invitation and a date by which to vacate the premises.

    By far out I mean tattoos, crazy piercings, the grungy/disheveled/provocative clothing or bringing people around of shady character; or if you start disruption of peace of any kind in the home.

    Make your plans to become independent at some point. May the positive in the JW world stay with you for life. Be well.


  • Chook

    That's one thing I'm greatfull for when parents not Jw . Saethydd your own circumstances will have unique challenges but you can't for your own sanity get cast back toward Jw spell. Their people on here who will guide you toward good, unconditional love exists with in these members. We are all just giving each other a lift when life gets heavy.

  • Saethydd
    Saethydd sorry to hear.

    Do you have someone or somewhere safe you can go?

    Fortunately, I did foresee this scenario and started seeking a new place to live months ago, it took me about two days to find one of my friends who was willing to let me rent a room in their house. I've also been spending quite a bit of time hanging out over there and getting to know my other housemates, and letting my dog get to know them too so I'm hoping for a fairly smooth transition, the hardest things for me is going to be all of the new expenses I've got to pick up, fortunately I already found flexible part-time work that I can fit around my college schedule, doesn't pay great but hopefully it'll keep me from starving.

  • Daniel1555

    Very well... you are a courageous young person.

    Make it known to them, that you love them no matter what they believe. And that you respect their religious feelings and that you like yours to be respected too.

    To do that in general it is better that you don't try to convince from your position.

    Sometimes discussions come... but then tell them "I feel that way....."

    Their believe in Jehovah is obviously their purpose of life. They don't understand (at the moment) that life can even more be meaningful, when you believe differently.

    All the best and good luck.

    I am df'd and my parents still treat me the same as before.

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