U.S. Supreme Court Denies Watchtower’s Certiorari Plea

by Jerome56 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ScenicViewer
    Agreed, they'll never "release" it...
    ...but that doesn't mean it won't come out some day soon.
    This is the Information Age, after all. :smirk:

    I believe that is dead on. The best chance of having the child molester database revealed is if someone leaks it. So much other information has been leaked over the past several years, it gives hope that it could happen. This is what I'm hoping for.

  • Vidiot
    ScenicViewer - "...They would rather reach settlements with plaintiffs..."

    Yup, 'specially since settlements can come with gag orders, whereas unfavorable verdicts become a matter of public record, making them way harder to dismiss as "apostate-driven lies".

    The former isn't nearly as emotionally satisfying as the latter, but one can take a measure of comfort in two important things...

    a) ...no defendant settles if they think they'll win, and 99% of the time, the defendant who settles IS in the wrong... and everyone knows it (something the apologists conveniently fail to mention when they try and refocus the conversation on the supposed lack of guilty verdicts, I might add), and...

    b) ...each settlement - no matter how small - is still another bite taken out of the Tower (which, in turn, emboldens yet more victims), and as I've said before, a thousand hungry little piranhas can fuck up your shit way worse than just one shark.

  • Corney

    Slidin Fast,

    This was the case where WT clocked up enormous daily fines and lost the case but still did not disclose.

    No, this was the case where the judge awarded the plaintiff $4 million without trial because of Watchtower's refusal to provide files received by it in response to the 1997 BOE letter. The appellate court affirmed that ruling creating a very dangerous precedent for the org.

    It seems to me to be a very big victory.

    IMO, it's not very big but still significant. On the one hand, SCOTUS denial of certiorari doesn't create any precedent and doesn't mean the Court affirms lower courts' decisions - it just doesn't review them. On the other hand, Watchtower has lost its first attempt to bring a child sexual abuse case (and now apparently the first CSA case lost by WT which hasn't eventually been settled) to the US Supreme Court and the Court won't disturb the precedent established by the CA appellate court.

    It leaves WT no where to go in its fight not disclose the child molestation records.

    No, Watchtower is still continuing this fight. For example, they've orchestrated a lawsuit of a group of JWs (three victims, three victims' relatives, including an individual "accused of, investigated for, and exonerated of, sexual abuse of his daughter," and one elder) requiring annulment of a discovery order issued in Orange County, CA as violating their "privacy rights and religious freedoms" (now pending before a CA appellate court).

  • LV101

    The WT cult will always fight on -- free legal up to point of calling in A-Team professional firms and free money that provides all their dreams come true. Too bad the base feeds their money boxes.

  • Vidiot
    LV101 - "The WT cult will always fight on..."

    I think you're right, they would indeed fight on, no matter what...

    ...right up to and including loss of tax exemption, asset seizure, and even prison sentences, I think.

    From their POV, they don't dare concede...

    ...if they're seen budging on anything "Satan's World" throws at them - particularly at this stage in the game (the "Last Days", no less) - it too strongly calls into question the Concept that they're Captive to.

    Without that Concept, they'd have nothing.

    They would be nothing.

  • Vidiot

    Not to mention that - as True Believers in said Concept (as all anecdotal evidence indicates)...

    ...they'd very easily be tempted to think that at this point - in the Last Days, remember - provoking "Satan's World" into "persecuting" them would effectively call on Big Brother Jah to drop the Apocalypse and bail them all out.

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