I'm happy to be a white American male. But don't confuse that to mean I'm prejudiced. At least here in the US, non-whites often suffer from the hate or prejudice of others. I wouldn't want that for myself or my family. If everybody were treated the same, I don't think I'd care what shade I was.
Are You Happy That You Are The Color Or Nationality That You Are?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
What's the alternative?
My body, including it's color and ethnicity, are a shell.
They have nothing to do with who I am as a person.
I am happy with who I am as a person.
When I grow up I want to be a Spanish Don Johnson! Maverick
The only thing about my heritage that I would change is the geographical location of my homeland, which is Eastern Canada. The problem with this place is that you freeze your ass off most of the year (it's not even warm here yet, I don't think we've had a 70's day so far this year, actually the past few days were OK except for the wind), but then, when you finally get some nice weather and you'd like to enjoy the outdoors.....you're eaten alive by bugs, and I mean litterally. Some people might think that using "Deep Woods Off" as a repellant makes for a great summer perfume, but I don't think so.
I like it here, it's peaceful, lots of woods, lakes, rivers, simple life, ect, but man, when those mosquito's and black flies decide to attack, it's really annoying, and that's not counting the big stuff. I used to be able to go fishing without repellant....LOL....talk about masochism. You have to live it to understand it.
But besides that, it doesn't really matter where I am.....I love life, most of who I am, happy that I'm healthy for now and try to keep busy all the time doing something worthwhile (I don't know if lurking and posting here counts...)
Were all equal, and I never understood why some people hated others because they were of a different race. I'm glad I'm that way.
(edited to add)....Too bad technology and capitalism is disrupting the peace.
you know, nothing is perfect, but all in all i am happy.
the thing i would have changed if i could have right from the start is my sex.
it definitely is a man's world.
Yeah, to quote Chris Rock- " Im gonna ride this white thing out, see how far it'll take me".
Yes, thank you very much.
As for colour, that matters zero to me!
I wouldn't mind being a bit more exotic looking but I can work with what I've got. I suppose I'd be exotic looking if I lived in another part of the world.
I guess I don't have much choice.....seriously, yes, I'm happy.