No 'Tight Pants' policy is now official - classed as 'disturbing'

by wizzstick 362 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    I think the JW organization has always had a biased discrimination onto men who might have been effeminate.

    I experienced and saw this myself since my older brother had that demeanor in the behavior personality.

    I don't ever remember seeing a man of such demeanor to become an elder ???

    Slight bigotry has to be realized.

    Maybe the WTS heads think that effeminate traits in males is automatically associated with homosexuality which is partially true but not always. The stupid not so bright elders upon hearing this mantra from top above could very well contrive this into a rigid look out and watch out discrimination contained in their oiwn ignorance.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    DarioKehl: "Sometimes, we must demonstrate absurdity by being absurd."

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yes, LUHE, I do have other reasons in mind. I'm afraid that elders might give the 'metrosexual' excuse to those they believe are gay.

    And, true, organizations can provide interpretation for 'metrosexual,' but they haven't done that. They've used the vague term 'metrosexual' without clarification. To me this smacks of the same stuff as the word 'brazen;' a vague excuse to discipline someone they don't like.

  • Pistoff

    The difference for this is the codification of dress styles as a perceived expression of deviant sexuality, an inexact science at best, and a fool's errand.

    It IS the embodiment of Tony Morris' extreme paranoia about gays; gay 'speech, mannerisms, body language' and clothing.

    This guy is turning them into parodies of evangelicals.

  • sparrowdown

    I only see a win-win here.

    Elders harass certain individuals over their dress and grooming (nothing new about that.)

    Certain individuals get pissed off over it, wake up to ttatt and leave =win for the individual.

    If certain individuals do not comply they are not allowed to go in field service =win for the individiual (yaaay no fs!)

  • DarioKehl

    Right. Watchtower is "Metrosexual" as a catch-all phrase to target anyone they want. Even people who take care of their appearance more than others. It's fanning the flames of their homophobia and will begin a culture of witch hunting. You watch! It will. Before, homo hating elders couldn't really do much to a guy or gal they didn't like because they suspected they're LGBT (practicing or not). To go after them without proof of immorality would be grounds for slander. NOW, if you simply walk with a lilt or speak in a whispy voice, these jackasses can pounce.

  • sparrowdown

    I suppose dressing like a pedophile will be ok then.

    In fact, isn't the pedo punishment more field service!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    men with an exaggerated effeminate manner irritate me intensely

    You mean something like this? XD


    Are you seriously making fun of my comment? You think a bunch of moronic, untrained Elders profiling people at the behest of their religious leaders is not a human rights violation? Larger issues in the world don't mean this smaller issue should be ignored. Are smaller violations of human rights permissible? We can't point to an extreme example and use it to negate a less extreme example. That's intellectually dishonest.

    I admit that they arent beheading people for being gay, but that's not the issue and this should not be downlplayed because it's less extreme. Ask yourself this, "What would the WTBTS do to these people if the law allowed them to act as they pleased?"

    How many of us personally know someone who has committed suicide because of the harmful practices of the WTBTS? Can you really deny the cruelty of profiling ones who act too gay? It's deplorable behavior. Degrading someone until they kill themselves is sick. This has really happened and it's disgusting.

    For the record, I'm not being repressed by this issue, but others will be. When these little, so called minor abuses take place, it simply lays the groundwork for future abuses. Do you think the WTBTS started out being this abusive? Do you think people in other countries just woke up one day and decided to cut people's heads off, or degrade women?

    These things happen because we allow them to take place little by little. It's a simple issue. People are being profiled and made to feel like shit. The issue is not about whether or not any group can have dress code. I repeat, the issue is not about any group or organization/corporation have a dress code for their members. The issue is an organization's right to profile members based on their sexual orientation or because they have gay mannerisms, and then infringing on the religious rights of those "too gay" members. Do you disagree with that statement?

    Hopefully Elders will largely ignore this idiotic decree from HQ. Anyone profiled by the WTBTS should sue for the violation of their religious rights. The WTBTS cannot forbid anyone from religious services in any way, especially when they allow pedophiles to preach from door to door. Is it really that difficult to understand?

    Again, for the record, these issues need to be brought to light. It's not okay for any organization to do this. It does violate a person's rights, and I challenge anyone to prove the opposite. I'm quite frankly shocked that this thread is so controversial. It seems pretty cut and dried to me.

    The WTBTS will be practicing religious discrimination and discrimination based on sexual orientation if they actually follow through on this ridiculous behavior. How is that not a violation of human right on some level?


  • Oubliette

    I find the idea that anyone would want to attend a church that fundamentally hates who they are puzzling.

    One word: Born-in

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