Are you REALLY sure?

by Dawn 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    When I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses I was absolutely sure I had the truth. So sure I would have been willing to sacrifice anything for my beliefs. I worked hard at study, meetings, service - even aux. pioneered while working full time.

    Now - many years later I know that I was fully deceived.

    I became a born again Christian a few years back. I have spent my fair share of time studying the scriptures and researching history of JW's as well as christianity and other religions. I believe in God and I believe that Jesus was his son. I am much happier now. But I have to be honest with myself and admit that I am "deceivable". I was deceived once - it would be much harder to deceive me again - yet - it COULD happen.

    So what about you. Regardless of your belief system now - do you admit that you can be deceived?

  • RandomTask

    Anyone can be deceived. Admitting it is the first step on the road to recovery, and an open mind.

  • Introspection
    So what about you. Regardless of your belief system now - do you admit that you can be deceived?

    That's the trouble with beliefs, isn't it?

  • Hamas

    Being decieved is fine, when faced with no evidence to prove otherwise.

    However, to continue to be decieved, in the face of such mounting evidence, is the height of lemminghood.

    At least now you have your own conscience. Others are not decieving you; even if you have things wrong.

  • zev

    some of the easiest to deceive are those that have left a cult.

    they fall right back into the "trap" and do so repeatedly.

    its always best, imho, to take a step back and take a break.

    look into your soul and see whats there. get to know yourself, and how you feel about your spirituality.

    don't rush back into something JUST LIKE what you have left, and find yourself in the same trap, all over again.

    i've been out over a year and a half.

    i still don't know what i will do or want to do about a religion.

    whats the rush? i'll figure it out at my own pace.

  • link

    Religion is about doctrines. Doctrines are beliefs that are formulated from ideas and opinions that have no basis in proven fact. I cannot disprove any doctrine, JW or otherwise, but neither can any person prove a religious doctrine to me. It all has to be based upon my own interpretation of things as I perceive them to be.

    I find that there are a number of religious doctrines that I cannot accept and a number that I can but I do not expect everyone to agree with my understanding of things. Everyone comes from a different angle in terms of background therefore they will each see things from their own perspective.

    IMHO it is completely pointless to argue points of religious doctrine, there can never be a winner. as is completely demonstrated by the debates that take place on this board.

    The whole point is that nobody has all of the complete "truth". If you believe otherwise you are being deceived.


  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    Dawn, We can all be deceived, but the question is: how easily? IMHO, those who hold strong beliefs (whatever they are) are more easily deceivable, because they tend to shun all evidence contrary to their beliefs. Take the 607 BCE thing, for example. JW's belief that 1914 marked the end of the Gentile Times is so unquestionable for them, and so dependent on the 607 BCE dating for Jerusalem's fall, that they will disregard any historical fact pointing to the 587-586 BCE date. Another example is the writing of Daniel's book. Most facts support the hypothesis that the book was written during the Maccabean period by an anonymous author, and there's not a single piece of evidence indicating that the book was written by the historical Daniel during the Babilonian exile. Yet most fundamentalists (Christian and Jewish) stick to the latter point of view. ~ J.J.

  • DJ
    I believe in God and I believe that Jesus was his son.

    Hi Dawn,

    Jw's, mormons etc....all believe that. The distinction between Christianity and false religions is that since Jesus died for our sins that is enough. Any good works that come from us are a result of that grace not a way to earn the free gift. That is clear in the bible. No one will deceive me about that again. It is freedom. The fear of being deceived should be in you, it will keep you from being deceived again! I am curious about something....I know that you are still unsure about the Son of God, being God. Can I ask you how you rationalize the creatorship of Christ? Do you still view Him as master worker, or Michael or? I am not saying that you must believe in the trinity but I am curious as to how you think about that. love, dj

  • logansrun
    I became a born again Christian a few years back.

    Sounds like you've already been deceived a second time.


  • DannyBear


    ***The whole point is that nobody has all of the complete "truth". If you believe otherwise you are being deceived.***

    To go a step further......nobody has any "truth" as respects religious dogma. It is ALL surmize and conjecture. Even the historicity of events in religious sacred works are subject to the whims and bias of secular historians.

    So anyone who wants to be REALLY sure, cannot. Wishing, hoping, praying that it is so, they continue to expound their 'truths'.

    Anyone subscribing to a religion or philosophy 'way' is in fact closed minded in the full sense of the word. The very act of becoming a 'born again christian' is nothing less than a surrender of one's will to another's.


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