Voting Bush out

by Jayson 35 Replies latest social current

  • freedom96

    There certainly is no one that I have seen that I would rather see in office.

    The democrats better come up with some real contenders.

    But I just assume that they don't.

  • plmkrzy

    I like Bush! Bush is the most fun President to take potshots at since Gerald Ford!

    Bush is outspoken enough to speak out against librarians waging war! Keep the libraries QUIET!

  • badwillie

    There have been a lot of new devlopments since this thread first started (i.e. all the fabricated "facts" and reports about supposed WMD's and the resultant scary "mushroom clouds" they would likely produce).

    Also, since this thread started Howard Dean has pulled out in front of the other 8 Democratic candidates in the Fundraising efforts (he collected more in the last quarter than anyone).

    So, what do you think the chances are now that Bush will be voted out?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Whether it's Larry, Moe or Curly, they're still stooges!

    Guest 77

  • Reborn2002

    Hey Pork Chop-

    Learn from history.

    People said the same thing in 1991 about a certain Governor from Arkansas that no one knew at the time. He ended up beating the incumbent and serving two terms.

    So quit spouting off as if you are so certain about everything. The fact is, there are too many factors at play currently and we are months and months away from an election. Who can predict the future? Bush has had a strong support base but it is slowly dwindling with revelations about lies within his justifications for war, troops dying, etc.

    Now, when we look at qualifications, I tend to agree with SixofNine. Wesley Clark is the most qualified for today's issues. A Rhodes scholar, a military strategist... he is both intelligent and informed on combat issues / terrorism.

    However, if we follow history.. Howard Dean is the best shot. A Governor (anyone notice in recent decades only Governors get serious consideration for presidency?) who is attacking Bush where he is weak and is outspoken enough to get noticed in the media, much like Clinton did in 91.

    Alas, what does it matter? Al Gore had a million more popular votes than Bush did in 2000. Who said something about your vote counting? Oh, that's right. The electoral college. A system implemented two hundred years ago which allocates points to each state making one state more valuable than another. Why do you think candidates campaign in California, Texas, Illinois, New York? It is plausible to win the electoral votes of only 11 states out of 50 and ascend to the presidency. Or if you take into consideration the disenfranchised black voters in Florida (where his brother happens to be Governor, how convenient) or the Supreme Court ruling where 7 of the 9 sitting Justices were appointed by Republican administrations (2 from Reagan, 2 from father Bush).... enough said.

    Anyone take the time to study history and learn about the election scandal of 1876 when Republican candidate Rutherford Hayes stole the election from Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden? You will find history has an uncanny way of repeating itself.

  • badwillie

    "I was thinking about this. The country right now is at war. Our 
    economy is bad. $455 billion deficit and the Democrats are saying, 'How are we
    going to beat this guy?'" -David Letterman
     "Looks like there was more false information in President Bush's State 
    of the Union address. Now it turns out they didn't really have an economic
    plan either." -Jay Leno
     "In Senegal President Bush called slavery one of the greatest crimes in
    history, right after stealing an election." -Jay Leno
  • Peter2

    I have to agree with Simon. Bush probably has the Chimp vote tied up. (Those guys will do anything for a banana and an old tire.)

    But don't forget that Bush didn't WIN the last election. Thanks to a Gov. brother and a conservative, democracy-be-damned Supreme Court, we get a Pentecostal, "I-Love-the Rich" guy with the IQ of the temperature of Kennebunkport in December.


  • badwillie

    Nice trend for Bush DISAPPROVAL:

    N BC News /Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). July 26-28 , 200 3 . N= 1,007 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1 .

    "In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?"









  • hawkaw


    You are right on with that first post of your in this thread.


    There was an election. All four parties agreed to the rules ahead of time and Gore fought a good legal fight in those areas where he thought he would get the best bang for his buck.

    There were court actions taken by Mr. Gore and defended by Mr. Bush. And at the end SCOTUS by a 7 - 2 margin (not all big C conservatives as you say - said the decision by the 4 members of the Flor-i-duh supreme court was a big time violation of the consitution. And I tend to agree. Remedy all amounted to give an extra one week with 2 more Justices.

    Enough. Even the lamestreet press have given up the ghost on that election after going through all the ballots.


  • badwillie

    To anyone who doubts Howard Dean's ability nationwide allow me to remind everyone of these numbers from the 2000 race:

    50,459,624 - George W. Bush's votes
    51,003,238 - Al Gore's votes
    2,882,985 - Ralph Nader's votes

    Now if you really believe that a good chunk of Gore voters are so geeked on the war in Iraq that they'll switch to Dubya knowing full well he'll ruin the economy even more than he already has and destroy public schools, social security, etc. then you're incorrect. If you think Howard Dean can't run as good a campaign if not better than Al Gore did, you are wrong again. If you think 2.8 million Green voters are going to vote for Ralph Nader over Howard Dean you are wrong thrice. If you can't see that Al Gore's votes plus Ralph Nader's votes instantly creates a coalition capable of defeating George W. Bush by an even larger margin than last time, then you can't do simple math. If you have failed to notice the intensity of the left's laser beam focus on defeating George W. Bush in 2004, than you're not paying attention and you will be ambushed.

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