What's the Highest "Position" You Had in the Congregation???

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • KGB

    I was an unbaptized publisher, I got out 2 weeks before baptisum

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I was allowed to go to the meetings .............

    I did not want any position, and had no deisre to move up the BS ladder,

    Did the sound and microphone crap, but since I was not baptized, they knocked me off the list,

    oooooooooo !!!!!!!! I better get baptized, or I won't be allowed to do microphones anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I spent years in therapy over this matter (YEAH RIGHT)

  • Hamas

    KGB, nice escape my friend.

    In the nic of time !

  • drwtsn32

    I was a ministerial servant for a couple years. Conducted the bookstudy a couple times. Never gave public talks, because I told them I hated talks when the appointed me an MS. The most I ever did in the Service Meeting was the announcements.

    I got bitch-slapped by the CO at the first MS/Elder meeting I ever attended. He hounded me because my monthly time was only 6-8 hours. I was surprised that he was so "unolving" about it. I guess that fake attitude is reserved for only the regular flock.

  • drwtsn32

    At various times I was also in charge of the sound department, the literature department, or helping with territories. As long as I didn't have to do talks I was ok.

  • DanTheMan

    Regular publisher (though always below national average).

    Dan, Watchtower-flunky class

  • IslandWoman

    Unofficial Zone Overseer.


  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Reg. pioneer for 10 years, when it was 1000hrs a year. Book study conductor, accounts servant, congregation secretary, service overseer. Gave talks on circuit assembly. Burn't out from it all. hey that should look good on a resume. yah if I want to be a cab driver.

  • shamus

    LMAO, nobody told me!

    Again, welcome to the board! It's silly how we all thought, no?

  • Soledad

    I was awarded the priviledge of scubbing the men's room toilets at age 14. wasn't good enough to give talks but I was damn sure good enough to scrub those bowls clean!! and heaven forbid if I refused!!

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