What's the Highest "Position" You Had in the Congregation???

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    Pioneer, Minuscule Servant (Territory Servant), Number 1 talks and Bible highlights, Shared the Book study conductors Job for awhile, Book counter Stock thingy assistant, Kingdom Hall Build team.


  • wednesday

    my husband was a ministeral servant, and all that goes with that, and gave public talks.

    I went form spiritally strong, then spiritually weak, depressed, inactive, gone.

  • smack

    Hmmm, seems like we people that were sound wallahs or boom swingers were doing it for the distraction it offered. I bet most of you could be found working in the kitchen or carpark attendant at conventions. Met my first wife washing dishes, she's out now! Current wife is a born and bred pagan.

  • onacruse

    MS, unless you count Bethelite as a "position." If so, then I was somewhat above anybody of the great crowd, and just barely lower than anointed (if I tried just a little harder, I could make it).


  • dedalus


    In other words, a nobody, like in Emily Dickenson's poem:

    I'm a publisher, who are you?

    Are you a publisher too?

    Then there's two of us, don't tell.

    They'd privately reprove us, you know.

    How dreary to be an elder!

    How public, like a frog!

    To preach that crap

    The livelong day

    To a bleary-eyed cong.!

    Not many people know that Emily Dickenson was a Witness.


  • Aztec

    Dedalus, LOL!

    I got up to regular auxilary pioneer. Oh the accolades...hehe!


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    I had the lofty position of making certain the virgins were pure, prior to sacrifice....oooops......that was the religion I was in before I was mixed up with the dubs.

    cheeses - who knows a good virgin when he sees one.

  • Maverick

    Dedalus, Too funny! I love Ms. Dickenson's work. I am reading her stuff now, slowly. Finished 277 or her 1775 poems. You really caught her spirit! Maverick

  • Goshawk

    Up on a ladder cleaning out the gutters.
    Somehow that now seems fitting now.

    Goshawk of the marked and outcast class because "boy! you think too much" class

  • maxwell

    Never more than a baptized publisher, but I was used for microphone handling, the literature counter and as attendant. Never gave more than no. 4 talks, but was used for reading at the bookstudy so I was an unofficial assistant there (sometimes I even got to take the lead when it was our turn to clean the KH, great--not really), and also prayed at the theocratic school and service meeting. Although I never got any "position", I'm sure I could gotten them if I wanted it. You just have to be willing to work the system. Get your quota of hours, study all the JW dogma, and emit an ambience of piety. You might have to participate in a little elder politics too, but otherwise no problem if you can stomach that kind of life.

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