I never saw the point of refusing a life saving blood transfusion. Funny how Jesus never even mentioned it.
Back when this particular brand of WT lunacy started in the mid 1940's think how dangerous any surgery was. In the mid 1960's when my wife and I left the JW's surgery was still dangerous. Today It's greatly improved but blood is still often the difference between living or dying.
Think about how many JW children died needlessly for want of a blood transfusion, JW's who needed open heart surgery but couldn't get it without a blood transfusion to keep them alive. JW's fighting cancer who need to bring up their white cell count. What about a Traumatic injury and a person simply bleeds out.
Remember Jonestown? Entire families drank the poisoned kool aid and 913 died.
Google Jonestown and look at that field filled with the dead. This was a one time event. However the JW's could fill up that same field with needless deaths each and every year!
How many died before their time because of an ignorant rule and miss applied doctrine since 1945? The Watch Tower Society relied on discarded, centuries-old medical beliefs, to support its assertion that blood transfusions are the same as eating blood. A 1990 Watch Tower brochure on blood quoted a 17th-century anatomist to support its view.
Personally anyone reading this who carries a no blood card around is carrying a suicide note. Sad but true.