Just threw away...
by stephanie61092 20 Replies latest watchtower medical
That's great Steph, you really want to live now don't you. A little while ago you weren't so sure. Welcome to the rest of your life. -
I removed my blood card from my wallet shortly after I quit attending for good. Right after the release of the Silver Sword in 2013.
On closer inspection, my blood card had not been updated since 1999.
Let's say for the sake of argument that JWs have it right on blood.
How is sinning, by taking blood, different than any other sin?If someone is about to commit fornication, should they intervene by committing suicide? No, they shouldn't.
My opinion says this:
JWs in private accept blood as needed.
It's the ones that feel compelled to share their medical history with nosy, gossiping JWs, "well meaning" family and or elders that get DF'd or tormented.The obvious zealots suffer the worst, as it leaves them with loss of life under the pretense that they are pleasing Jehovah under the direction of the "current light of truth", that is -of course, subject to change without notice...
Bloodguilty. Watchtower is bloodguilty.
Two important points to consider.....
1. The abstention from blood in Hebraic law was an enforced dietary law in respect to the held to sacredness of blood between man and god.
2. The endeavoring attempt to save and preserve life as into healing the sick as instructed through Jesus Christ was his guiding direction and there is no taking blood from a dead human being in the blood transfusion medical treatment.
This was an inherently screwed up doctrine which came about by the amateur and noticeably corrupt bible theologians running the Watchtower Corporation.
When it registered in my little brain that fractions come from stored and donated blood and were a conscience decision then it became clear that blood can't be that 'sacred'.....simple.
Then as fink pointed out - there came the realisation that no life is sacrificed or taken in order to donate or receive blood - and blood is just an organ - just cells.
And the daft explanation of fractions being OK because it's like 'cake' -as in fractionated parts only become blood when mixed together - yeah, but WHOLE blood was withdrawn from a human body and possibly stored prior to the fractions being developed.
'Abstain from blood' - those men in Brooklyn have a lot of answering to do.
Hi stephanie ,I really admire that you are taking the time to pay attention to all those little steps we all go through in going from all the way "in" to all the way "out" of this religion. There sure are a lot of them arent there?
So many good points have already been presented here by other posters but I wanted to share something with you that shocked me personally.
Right after I began fading, I had a chance to talk with an elder I knew to be very discreet and very up on all things Org.
He was the one who told me that he had been shocked when the Society began backing off ever so slightly on their blood policy. The way it stands now, if a baptized person takes blood, the elders dont have to be automatically harsh with them judicially. In some cases, it can just be handled very quietly.
While it is true that this is no rip roaring change in doctrine, it IS a sign that the Org is in the beginning stages of waffling on their blood policy.
So what that tells me is - I am NOT going to risk my life and perhaps lose it only to find out later that they changed the policy in a "new light" moment.
There have been too many times they reverse themselves to entrust something as serious as a life and death decision to them.
I am glad I had that conversation. Not having access to an elders manual (being a lowly woman and all) I wouldnt have known if I hadnt accidentally come across the fact in a conversation.
Oh Millie - the devious sods.
They KNOW it's poorly interpreted doctrine, they know it causes harm to the 'org' in terms of their 'evident' integrity and they quietly want to let it slide..........
At this very moment - I'm so angry with them.....
From a Christian point of view, these men have destroyed the faith of many - reminds me of something Jesus said to the Pharisees along the lines of
'you traverse land and sea to make one disciple and then he becomes worse off than before he converted'
These men corrupt faith and destroy trust.
We were warned about them.
I have a Medical Record Card that I carry in my wallet that states , " I reject J.W.No Blood Doctrine , I accept all medical procedures including blood products.
I am also a registered Organ Donor .
I felt this was necessary because old medical history records might show up as when I was a believer and rejected blood transfusions., so I have just now dated it 5/3/2016.
I just never bothered to get a new one after a period of time, and when the old one was literally falling apart (after being literally buried in my wallet), I just passive-agressively dropped it in the trash.
Good for you. Update your doctor/hospital records, too! I would at this point have a actual living will done, too, just so that there is a document that specifically makes your wishes clear so that in case of emergency no relatives can muddy up your waters. Or kill you! Living wills are more comprehensive than just the blood documents. Also have a medical POA done and of course, you should all get your wills done. Its cheap insurance that your wishes will be respected and your stuff won't be given to the borg. -
No Longer a JW Brother
Donate blood, you just saved a worldly person's life and committed the unforgivable sin against the Gooberning Body. Peace.