I had a couple of chats with the elders after I faded , but in hindsight it probably wasn't a good idea. At the second meeeting , the tone changed quite dramatically and the questions started to get quite probing ( the usual "do you believe this is Jehovah's Org" , "where did you learn all this information - from the internet?" kind of stuff ) and it began to morph from a friendly "we are here to help you" chat to an investigation to see if they could glean enough information to start a judicial committee.
In a hopefully friendly but assertive way I terminated the second meeting to say that I had discussed enough and felt that the conversation wasn't really productive for either of us - don't call me , I'll call you. I never heard from them again.
Frankly , most elders are busy with more pressing congregation problems and the mundane elders life of doing all the Societies chores - meeting items , ministry arrangements etc etc. I would just stall them - health issues , work , away for vacation, any excuse really , and they will eventually go away.