Update on my Dad's stroke

by Mulan 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Dad is now at a Rehabilitation Center, getting physical therapy. He is walking fine now, and his voice is normal too. He is still having some swallowing difficulties, but I would say he is 95% better. He is happy and seems to love all the attention he gets.

    One of the therapists gave him some extensive mental tests on Friday and told me he definitely does NOT have Alzheimer's disease, but has become a lazy listener, depending on others to fill in the blanks for him, and since he also has hearing loss, and can't see, he hasn't retrained his other senses to make up the loss of vision. She is working with him on that. She also got him to agree to wear his hearing aids again. He hasn't worn them in about a year, so I took those to him later Friday.

    I think he will be home very soon. Thanks again for all your support on Monday. That was a terrible day.

  • jgnat

    That is wonderful news. I laughed aloud about the deafness. My grandpa used to dominate the conversation, spellbinding us with his wonderful stories. ....'Cause he had no clue what in the heck we were talking about it.

  • blondie

    I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better, Mulan. Men just don't like to wear hearing aids, eh. My grampa accused us all of whispering.


  • DannyBear


    Strokes are often devasting to older folks, your father was very fortunate. Glad he will be able to get around and communicate with his family. Good news.

    Caring for aging parents is hard enough, without the added burden 'strokes' can bring.

    This growing old sh*t is no fun for any us.


  • DFWnonJW

    That's good news Mulan. Best wishes for your dad's recovery.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Glad to hear it Mulan.

    Why is it that well loved parents are the ones that get sick while the abusive worthless ones seem to thrive?


  • Brummie

    Thanks for the update Mulan, greatto hear he is making good progress. Must have been a stressful time.


  • little witch
    little witch

    That is great news indeed, Mulan!

    Hope everything works out for him and your family.

  • DJ

    Thanks for the update Mulan, I have been wondering and hoping. My dad accuses us of whispering just like Blondie's grandpop.lol. I don't understand why hearing aids are such a nuisance to those who need them. When my dad does wear his, he turns it off and on depending on his mood. I have a sneaking suspicion that he turns it off at the KH. Sorry about the rough days you've had and glad to see you back. love, dj

  • Shakita

    I'm glad that your Dad is feeling a lot better.

    When my Dad spent some time in a rehab/nursing home after a major back operation, the staff and doctors in that center were some of the best people I have met. They truly care for their patients and were always there for my Dad when he needed them. I hope that your Dad will get the same wonderful care that my Dad did....it makes all the difference.

    Mrs. Shakita

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