so as we wot can't spell can learn!
by KGB 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
so as we wot can't spell can learn!
For those of you who may have missed some of KGB's wisdom:
We only suppose they lied? Let me tell you something I seen on MSNBC. It was before Christmas like a week or so, Laura Bush was sitting with a group of children in the White house and reading a Christmas story to the children. One of the children asked if Santa had come there yet. Mrs. Bush said oh yes he sure did infact he was here just last night, she continued to tell the children that there were many chimenys in the white house and did not know which one he came down but that she heard reindeer holfs on the roof. Now let me tell you this a true christian does not tell lies to children that there is a Santa but that the real purpose for christmas is to celbrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Telling children that there is a santa that comes down a F*****g chimeny is a liar and a deceiver, that was the first lie I heard from the bush family. You who support the Bush administration will soon find out the real truth. And if your not smart enough to see or realize that all politicians are liars and cheaters then your just a frigging idiot anyways. Yeru you need to go sit in a corner and pick your ass because I think thats about all the intelligence you got man. Get a frigging grip dude on some reality...
And as far as Santa goes I suppose you lie to your children don`t you about Santa because you don`t have enough sanity to know otherwise. And someone said they still believe in Santa, gee I thought everyone here were or are JW`s so I know at one time you did not believe in Santa and if you believe in that fable now you need to see a brain Doctor because your dumber than a box of rocks. Infact I see that there are a few here that are just about as dumb. Go get your rocks because they are alot more smarter than the things your saying in this post.......I`m done here with this thread I am not going to waste anymore of my good energy on a bunch of geeks.............Get a damn GRIP!!!!!
He seems to have *issues* with Santa.....That's besides George W....
Teen: Wow, I thought I had read all the silly posts oh MY he has issues.
I will not and can not belong to a group of people who are hateful, cruel, and just plain selfish.
These people make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as I close, to those who do love the Lord with all your hearts be very careful of what your doing here your putting yourselves in danger by playing with pigs. Like I said earlier do not cast your pearls before swine.KGB,
I have a feeling you are still reading these posts. I will say this: For a christian you sure are "hateful and cruel" You really think we are pigs?
We make you sick? Wow! What a harsh comment.
Why the name-calling? Why so much anger?
Don't read what you don't like, read what you like and what upbuilds YOU.
I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you really still have the borg's mentality: its my way or the highway.
Everyone is willing to offer something. Their opinions may not coincide with yours. Thats OK.
Your opinions may not coincide with someone else's. Thats OK too.
I have personally learned more here than in all my years in the organization. I hope you stick around. But if you must go I hope that you will find a place that makes you happy.
Take care
Well that certainly showed you atheist scum what's what!
Your leaving right? Have a nice life.
Now that we have that done, perhaps you should take a good "judgmental" look at yourself. ] Apply the same rules and logic to yourself, your family and friends. How many measure up? Not very many is there? You don't either. But, of course, you KNOW THAT don't you?
How do you spell hypocrite? Perhaps a new way: KGB?
I will be nice enough not to use your real name. Perhaps you should think about the kindness just given to you-----freely-----..............
Just sounds like a person who was hurt and wants to hurt people back here. Some people can't take it when others don't agree.
KGB,if you read this..your words did'nt in effect me in any manner.We all make you sick and were pigs? How old are you really?
A christain is a person who is suppose to follow that what you are doing with comments like that.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Feeling bad for KGB for whatever his problem is. Probably he is not sure what his problem is, but being around this bunch of apostates, lol, is definitely not good for him.
I really can't stand fanatics. Unfortunately, fundys are the worst of all.