Extreme religious practices such as animal sacrifice etc. are not allowed in the U.S. And yet extreme religous practices such as child sacrifice achieved through the witholding of necessary medical treatments are! How could you post that statement without feeling ashamed?
Religion in general should be free to practice its theology though. Without freedom of religion there is no freedom at all. This is a fallacious argument. I have not once argued for religion to be banned (though worse things could happen). The loss of freedom to practice a few extreme religous practices would only hurt the abusers. In most civilised countries drivers do not have the freedom to drive their vehicles above 20-30mph through residential areas. They do not have the freedom to drink a six-pack of wicked strength lager and then get behind the wheel.
Is this denial of freedom reasonable? Of course it is because it is for the public good and protection of innocent life! FREEDOM IS NOT ABSOLUTE!
Information, information, information is the key to the control of religions. True. To exact a strict majority rule type of governmental control on religion is to risk another kind of tyranny upon people, a dictatorial government. Who is asking for that? This thread is suggesting that a law on Corporate Manslaughter could be applied to the Watchtower Society - nothing more. People should be free to believe and worship as they please. REALLY?!! Should the child sacrificing cults of Africa be free to worship as they please? In the name of freedom of worship, should 8-day-old baby boys have their foreskins sliced from their penis? Should vaginal mutilation (female circumcision where the clitoris is sewn up) be allowed because "People should be free to believe and worship as they please." When a particular religious practice is found or thought to be illegal, then the courts convene to decide the matter in accord with the Constitution. A religious practice is not found to be illegal. It is deemed to be unnaceptable. Legislation is then passed which subsequently defines it to be illegal. Watchtower blood (and shunning) policy is, in my opinion, unnacceptable. It should be defined as illegal - one day soon I hope it will be.
If the religious practice is found to be legal under the Constitution it is then an allowed practice. The JW blood doctrine has not been declared unconstitutional in our country. I firmly believe it never will be. Majority rule must always allow the minorities their voice a voice yes, freedom to promote fatal doctrine, no and place in society, otherwise true freedom dies.
Information is the key to keeping religion in its proper place.