So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I don't think anyone believes that the US government orchestrated these attacks. But did they know about them, and fail to take appropriate action to stop them? That is the big question.

    As for Hama's statements, I personally agree with him 100%. I knew about the 5 Israeli men who where arrested after cheering about the attack. These are the facts you find out when you stop listening to the US entertainment news networks and start getting the facts from more credible sources.

    During the last Iraq war, the news coverage on CNN, MSNBC etc was vastly different than on CBC or BBC. Why was that?


  • kgfreeperson

    Actually, there are quite a few people who, while a little embarrased at becoming conspiracy theorists, DO believe that the administration was behind the attack on the world trade center. Certainly, as I pondered who benefited from the atrocity, only the Bush administration came to mind. However, after watching this administration in action for the last 2 years, I feel whoever was behind the attack has/have far subtler mind(s) than these guys. (I know, I know, let the flames begin.)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    This has got to be one of the nuttiest posts I have ever read. Rather than get really mad and say something that would get me kick off I'll just say .... *%&**///sick..***

  • unclebruce

    Interesting thread,

    The US governments fore knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbour is well documented. (Stalin learned of it 5 days before then quickly began transfering troops to the west to fight the Germans) The damage at Pearl Harbour was nothing like the blow to US naval strength the press at the time had us believe. There was tremendous loss of life when the 'bunker ships' were hit but most vessels in active service were back in action in ten days or so. The US air craft carrier fleet just happened to be safely "out on manouvers" - to the surprise and angst of the Japs who called off the attack early for not knowing it's whereabouts. The Japanese "surprise attack" on Pearl Harbour was used to turn american public opinion in favour of a war with Japan (thankfully so)

    This September 11 conspiracy stuff makes interesting reading.. shades of the oklahoma bombing?


  • unclebruce

    take a pill double edge

    try to be objective will ya - geez there are thousands more nuttier threads than this one - we have biblethumpers worshiping a dead god on a stick, we have jehovah freaks scared of demonised bicycle seats, we have self rightious ego driven born again jesus preachers trying to earn thier poor brain dead souls a place in a heaven that doesn't exist ..

    if you really have something worth saying about sept 11 please do so ..

    cheers, unclebruce

  • Realist

    try to be objective will ya - geez there are thousands more nuttier threads than this one - we have biblethumpers worshiping a dead god on a stick, we have jehovah freaks scared of demonised bicycle seats, we have self rightious ego driven born again jesus preachers trying to earn thier poor brain dead souls a place in a heaven that doesn't exist ..

    LOL fantastic statement!!!!

  • jgnat

    I am with Doubledge on this one. Must there be a conspiracy behind every disaster?

  • ashitaka

    I watched a PBS documentary about the Towers falling. Apparently, the bolts that held up parts of the structure failed, and as they went, others went and so on.....dominos. It's a design flaw, not necessarily the fault of the fuel itself. Kind of like Titanic, too many compartments were flooded for it to float, the Towers had too much damage to the joints, and at a certain point, the bolts holding up the trusses just couldn't stay up anymore.

    They showed the video footage close up, of how the actual collapse started. And on top of it the superimposed what beams went first. They proved their theory with the video. Damn interesting. Very clinical.


  • Jayson

    I keep telling you guys GW flew the planes himself. All four of them at once. I saw the whole thing from a mountian top in the Pacific Northwest. He jumped from one plane to the other using his Hulkinatous abilites. That is what he was doing during that year he was so called AWOL. He was not in Alabama, he was in Nevada, Area 51 to be exact. I saw him there in my cereal bowl when I was three. He can go anywhere on the planet using inter"dementia"nal travel. He is also repsponsible for all homicide bombers. He uses reanimated corpes and reserects them using borg nanoprobes.

  • berten

    >...who was crazy enough to steer the planes into the WTC to help bush?

    Maybe they were remote-controlled.Drone-planes do exist...

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