So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???

by reporter 145 Replies latest social current

  • Phil

    Sounds like some of you people are living on another planet. The 9/11 incident ws covered forward, backward, left and right. The only thing that is not known by the general public is the intelligence and what color of tie I was wearing.

    What a waste of space.

  • Jayson
    What a waste of space.

    Hey don't mock creating BS until you've tried it. Liberals and conspiracy theoristConservatives need to just start running the country & the world and stop even acknowledging their fears much less debating them. Did anyone see Dean on Meet The Press? So sad.

  • Cassiline

    It never happened

    You were not shocked

    You did not cry

    You were not outraged

    You did not think WWIII may have just started, you were not in fear

    You did not watch the TV for hours straight hoping to see a loved one alive

    You did not stare at the TV dumbfounded thinking, "I must be dreaming"

    You did not change the channel thinking " This can't be right, it just can't be!!!!"

    You did not call friends and family just to say' "I love you", when you realized how short life was.

    You did not hug you child and try to explain what just happened to mommy, daddy, brother sister, fellow man/woman.

    You were not horror-filled

    You did not stand by the water cooler at work and cry with fellow employees vowing americas revenge

    You did not have a lump in your throat watching people leap from those building to get away from the fire, with a small hope of living

    You did not as an American finally realize what it may be like to live in a country where acts of terror happen almost every day.

    You did not think there were heroes amoung us in the Firemen and those who freely voulnteered

    You did not watch the TV hoping more would be pulled alive from the wreckage

    You did not imagine what you may have done as a passenger on one of those planes

    You did not cough acrid smoke for months afterwards

    You did not contribute money for those affected by the horror

    You did not expierence Shock , fear, outrage, pain, ...

    I think when people try to make a conspiracy out of an event of this magnitude triviliazes the event itself, looking for bad and evil once again in the US government. Hell, I realize that the US government is far from perfect and does many things we hate, but I do not for a minute think this was done for any purpose to advance any political movement or person. Try to capture the day itself again and think what those families went through and their feeling when they see those who believe that the US did this or allowed this to happen and perhaps you may see how this would hurt them.

    Sorry off my rant...


    9-11 video below

  • Yerusalyim


    Mike, I like the way you think!

  • Hamas

    The trouble with most American's is that they are too ready to believe Zionist controlled mainstream media over the real facts of the issue. Go watch Jerry Springer and Friends if you are not prepared to open your minds over black and white facts ; and why not continue in your unrelenting support for a nation that has decieved you and killed your people for many years while you are at it.

    Yerusalyim, you support terrorism in exactly the kind of way that I do.

  • Realist


    When have you EVER been objective, you, who takes every opportunity to blast the US and especially the Bush administration.

    i did not claim to be objective. i was merely citing the previous post.

    besides that...i am objective! that the discussions always revolve around the Us is caused by the political events.


    if roosevelt would have made it public that japan is gonna attack than either japan would not have attacked or would at least have postponed the attack. also the public would most likely have demanded negotiations to take place. neither scenario would have been in the interest of roosevelt.

    by the way...the US was not significantly crippled by the attack. after all pearl habor was the only significant battle won by japan.

  • teejay

    With all major events, I've come to the point where I eventually ask: who benefited?

    Yes, there are accidents and acts of nature which might explain the event. But when it comes to catastrophes that have such a huge human component, the likelihood of collusion and the subsequent dispersal of misinformation cannot be dismissed.

    In light of all that has transpired here in the U.S. and globally since The Event, I believe the answers to what happened September 11 lie within Reporter's very first post.

  • seawolf


    oh come on. surely you've read Jayson's very convincing arguments on aliens !!

  • Yerusalyim


    No, I support the rule of law, without a lot of patience for nonsense like this drivel. When you fully denounce as completely unacceptable the practice of strapping a bomb on your body and blowing up men women and children, then we'll talk.

  • Jayson

    It's sad that true conspiracy mongers (not bs'ers making fun of their stupidity like I am doing) want so desperatly to believe their crackpot ideas.

    I have learned something new about myself. A habit I have about letting people who accuse me of being this or that set the tone of an debate. Like the Fox news issues or someone saying that I watch CCN [comedy news network] I actually refer to it as the "Communist News Network" after all they are not funny & Ted Turner had a part. Then there is the BBC the "Boring British Channel" which I would watch more of but I fall asleep when I try. (Who needs sleeping pills?) As you look in the eyes of President Bush on 9/11 that look of shock; That is all the proof I need to know that this is not something that he took part in. It is why so many, an unpresented number of Americans are behind his lead. When I first had the bad luck of trying to deal with and reason with JW's under the mind control of their own stupidity I never read CoC or Steven Hassan's books. There are many others on top of those that I have read now. But for 10 years the only material I used was theirs. Their arguments and material was beyond any rational argument that can be made. Unless you agree that they have some metaphysical insite that you have to take on their word. (Which I don't) Liberal ideology like most left wing thinkers who are stuck in that mode are just like JW's. Truth, facts, and the such, are really not nessesary to form opinion. Just get a banner statement "We have the truth" or "I hate Bush" it's all the same.

    Anyway, I have just bought Ann Coulter's new book "Treason" if I understand it the concept is that liberals are trators. But we will see. (How does she define a "liberal"?) I have not read her other books yet "Slander" or High Crimes and Misdemeanors" but I will. I also have some books on Bush "The Right Man" is one of them. Also "Coloring the News" is one I need to read. I have never dove into Right wing materials any more than I dove into CoC when I first encountered the JW's. These people who buy into the "conspiracy" of 9/11 are a fine example of a RDDB's of the 21st century. It's time I get the "facts" from the other side. I am quite curious if it will be as big of an eye opener as it was with the JW's were for me. It is a question that is deeper than Bush it's about ideology. And how it is wired into people's brains.

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