There is a not so subtle effort here to make the JW blood doctrine appear more reasonable than it is. The average uneducated JW will not see the deception. Instead, they will think that the Watchtower Society is again looking out for their welfare, opposing doctors who want to force that awful, evil blood upon them unnecessarily.
Here’s why: much of what is on page two has nothing directly to do with replacing lost blood, either because of hemorrhage or because of disease that has interfered with the normal blood manufacturing processes of the body. For example, “Transcutanious Pulse Oximeter” sounds so technical and so impressive, but is merely referring to a device with a sensor that looks at the color of blood through the skin and then calculates the percentage of red cells that are carrying oxygen. This is “high tech” in its own right, but has nothing directly to do with replacing needed red cells.
“Pediatric Untra-Microsampling Equipment” is common in most leading medical centers, trauma centers and university medical centers. Say that you are a JW and you are likely to automatically get this kind of procedure ordered by your physician. It merely refers to using smaller blood samples than is common in every day laboratory procedures.
“Batching – Multiple tests per blood draw” has been a common practice for years.
They throw in the “hematopoietic Agents.” Vitamins “C,” “B12,” “Folic Acid” etc. all sound so healthy, so “natural” to the typical JW compared to evil blood that the average JW swoons with pride and admiration of the Watchtower Society for the “wonderful way in which they care for the brothers.”
I could go on, but you get the idea.