So it has come to this?

by Valis 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I understand many of you are not coming to Green Bay, or you are coming to Green Bay and doing something besides being at the party that xenawarrior has worked so hard to arrange for us. I also know why and I must tell you I'm terribly disappointed. The only chance in months to see many of you, yet this has no meaning whatsoever. I don't like being put in a position where I have to choose between groups of people that are quarelling for no reason other than personality conflicts. I also understand that some have not been completely honest with me about their reasoning for not coming. That is the most unfortunate facet of all of this. People that I assumed were great friends even weeks ago now won't talk to each other and are going around saying things about one another like some clique of school yard children who think it better to not treat each other with the common decency and consideration, rather than talk openly about what is going on and get over whatever it is that is causing the problem. I have, since knowing many of you kept confidences, gone to great lengths to make you feel welcome in my home and city, not to mention enjoying my time among you. I come home from my vacation to find friendships in ruin, people chosing sides, where it makes things difficult for us all, and generally spoiling something that looked to be a good thing for each and every one. Please just think about what you are doing and the motive behind the ugliness. Is it worth it? Haven't we suffered at the hands of asshole people long enough to know that our friendships are more important than discarding them for just plain old bullshit? Think about it real hard, because its all sadness on this end...I'll be at the Apostafest in Green Bay and any of you who care one way or another will know exactly where it is I will be.


  • SheilaM


    I had no idea there were problems. I do know that if there is I don't want to be there. I thought this was a time to get together and have fun etc. I just hadn't written XW back cause, ya know Thunder is self-employed and we had to get a firm idea of jobs etc. before we told her. I didn't want her paying etc.

    Oh and we have been trying to get to Dallas, we just have been in a fog since our son left. Sorry. But it will be before GB OK

  • Shutterbug

    Guess it's a good thing I live some 350 miles from Dallas as I don't get involved in these "family feuds." Valis, my plans are to be there on time and sober, well on time anyway. Your point is well taken, XW has worked very hard at making this sucessful and has a real blowout planned. To fail to attend over some petty disagreement would be showing disrespect toward her. What we have here is too important to lose it over some small argument. Bug

  • Cassiline

    (((((( Valis )))) (((((((((( Xena Warrior )))))))) (((( Anyone who may be Hurting )))))

    I am so sorry to see that there are stormy clouds in friendships here.

    I hope all ends up well and feeling are spared all around.



  • SpiceItUp

    If I was able to I'd cetainly show but as it is...too many other changes in my life at the moment (all good though )

    (((Travis))) You know you're a good bloke

  • Swan

    Unfortunately my vacation time is too limited to stretch out till then. We are going to Michigan to visit relatives (on my husband's side of the family) but I have to be back at work when the apostaparty takes place. I just wanted you all (and especially XenaWarrior who kindly invited me) to know that it was nothing personal and I would be there if I didn't work for an employer with such a crappy vacation policy.

    Hope you all can work out your differences. Have a great party without me.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well damn. I'm sorry to hear this Valis. I haven't been following the Green Bay threads (), as I been swamped at work and just barely able to keep up with the board, so I don't know the particulars of what's going on. This is really unfortunate, however it started. I know how much fun Nina and I had at each apostafest and it would be tragic to have personality clashes get in the way of this one.

    If I was better with my money I could probably afford to trek up to GB, but as it is I'm grounded. Bummer. All around.

  • Valis

    BTTT to make sure it is seen...


  • Billygoat

    Wow. It's been extremely slow at work for the last several days and I feel like I've lived on the board. (I know, I know - get a life!) But I've missed all the soap opera.

    (((((((XW)))))))) If I could get up there I would, but I can't afford it and I don't have any vacation. (I'm a temp at my company.) But I know it's gonna be fun! *pout*

    ((((((Valis))))))) I love your tenderheartedness my friend! You are a doll!

  • wednesday


    i have been thinking about u for weeks,a nd wondering where u were, as i hadn't seen a post from u. Glad u are back and i wish i could be at Green Bay. Next to Dallas, they are my hubbys fav football team.


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