Men and women are equal

by Freedom rocks 35 Replies latest members private

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Now we all know that jw men and women are not equal but their current literature is now worded in a way that they are. Does anyone know how I can prove this isn't actually true? The most recent article I came across said the relationship is like that of a surgeon and an anaesthetist where one can't work without the other but the surgeon still makes the decisions. To me that is saying they're not equal because one is still in charge. Other examples I've thought of are women can't teach, do the microphones or any jobs in the congregation, can't run any of the societies departments, etc.

    How would you prove that what the society says in their literature about equality isn't actually true in practice though??

  • scratchme1010
    How would you prove that what the society says in their literature about equality isn't actually true in practice though??

    Are women now allowed to give talks like men do? Are they allow to lead meetings? Are they allowed to pray at the beginning or end of the meetings? Do they still have to cover their heads when they have to lead in front of a male? Are they named elders, MO's or CO's? The list is endless. Just take a close look at what they actually cannot do that men can.

  • FedUpJW

    one can't work without the other but the surgeon still makes the decisions

    My understanding is that the anesthesiologist makes the decisions about keeping the patient alive during surgery. The physician may make the direct decisions about the surgery itself, but it is the anesthesiologist who administers anesthetics, monitors the patient during surgery, controls I.V. fluids, and handles any medical emergencies that may arise during the surgery. The anesthesiologist has much more responsibility for the patients life than the surgeon.

    This illustration, IMO, is just another half-assed, ill thought out, POS illustration that Dubs will swallow without a thought and then regurgitate it as if it were the word of God himself!

  • snugglebunny

    Even as a JW kid I realised that this headship thing was all wrong. My wife and I are a team. We just get on and do the stuff we're each good at. So simple.

  • Diogenesister
    The most recent article I came across said the relationship is like that of a surgeon and an anaesthetist where one can't work without the other but the surgeon still makes the decisions.

    The woman is still in charge of the head and the man the gut.

    Makes sense.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @Freedom rocks Hey hon, I'd browse through this catalog of JWvictims' videos here on YouTube. Alexandra James pays special attention to the misogynistic quotes from the Watchtower publications and shines a spotlight on the inequality (and sometimes abuse) that sisters are instructed to abide by:

  • stillin

    My wife and ai used to be a team. Then she appointed herself in charge. I don't know what I would do differently next time.

  • Xanthippe

    Wasn't there a notorious talk on JWborg by a member of the GB saying women didn't have the same mental ability as a man? It was quite insulting I think. Can't remember who gave the talk.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @Xanthippe It was a talk from the 1970s of Samuel Herd discussing the diminished "cranial capacity" of women, prior to his ascension to the sickening seven:

    Curiously, Herd fails to mention that the female brain possesses more grey matter than its male counterpart. This is actually a major component of the central nervous system, consisting of neuronal cell bodies and synapses. Since information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a single synapse, it would stand to reason that retaining more of them equips a woman with the ability to assume a leadership role and the responsibilities that come along with it.

  • Xanthippe

    Thanks WakeMe.

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