Men and women are equal

by Freedom rocks 35 Replies latest members private

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    Thanks wakemeup x

  • Simon

    It's confusing two things - being equal and having equal opportunity.

    The WTS could give people equal opportunity but men and women will never be equal because that's just leftist nonsense.

    I guarantee you for instance that the human who can run the fastest, jump the fastest, lift the most weight etc... will always be a man. That's a fact. Some will take this as me saying that men are better than women (which I have not) or that all men are faster / stronger than all women, again untrue. The fact is they are different and have different capabilities and it's silly to ignore this fact.

    Women should have the right and freedom to give talks if they want to, but I suspect there would be a lower proportion who would want to compared to men who want to, because the same differences that manifest themselves in physical abilities also affect behavior.

    So, while some will claim injustice with the current setup, I suspect many will be secretly glad of it.

  • fulano

    Why don't they mix the marathons and olympic games, I wonder?

  • snugglebunny
    So, while some will claim injustice with the current setup, I suspect many will be secretly glad of it.

    I guess that their are perks. Most obvious is when a group of strangers enter a pub. The women look for seats and the toilets, men go to the bar and get the drinks. Then stand around the seated women.

  • _Morpheus
    It's confusing two things - being equal and having equal opportunity.

    I would add on this thought as well: they are also confusing “equal” with “identical”.

    The two genders are not (thank god) identical, even if they are equal.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @Simon: "Women should have the right and freedom to give talks if they want to, but I suspect there would be a lower proportion who would want to compared to men who want to, because the same differences that manifest themselves in physical abilities also affect behavior."

    I agree.

    Patriarchy stems back over eons when examining nature itself. The inherent temperament of a female is one of agreeableness. When propagating genetics and producing offspring, nature's default is that of the females being the primary carers of their infants. Infants who, inadvertently, are highly demanding and intellectually unable to be reasoned with. For the offspring to thrive, their primal needs must be met on demand by their mothers.

    How is this reflected in statistics of men in power versus women in the workforce (and, theoretically, the Kingdom Hall)? Well, high levels of cooperation and compassion are not the sorts of traits typically found in corporate CEOs or people with positions of power elsewhere.

    This is not a case of women being any less conscientious or intelligent. Surprisingly, it is the characteristics of being disagreeable, cut throat and a degree of aggression that take a person to the upper echelons of a business or religion.

    So, should the blatant misogyny and explicit labelling of women being second class citizens in WT be removed, I wouldn't be surprised if it remained a male-dominated organization. Consider it a case of hardwired biology manifesting itself in 21st century homosapians.

  • TD
    Well, high levels of cooperation and compassion are not the sorts of traits typically found in corporate CEOs or people with positions of power elsewhere.

    Yes. It's always amused me how JW's (Mostly the ladies in my experience) will go on about what a kind compassionate Christian their visiting CO is, when one look at these smarmy characters usually tells you otherwise. It's not a job that a "nice" person would even want.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @TD Good example, albeit anecdotal. I once read that if all money was equally distributed around the world, it would only be a short matter of time before the current wealthiest people will have reacquired their finances. Why? Wealthy people are used to a certain standard. Whether there was a certain work ethic involved or manipulation, even, the bottom line is that the motivation exists.

    Compare this to something ineradicable such as the biological disposition of the two genders. Male and female roles as we know them existed for millennia before before money, currency/bartering. So, how much deeper will the patriarchal trend run for the majority of the population? I sincerely believe that if men and women - brothers and sisters - were free to make their own choices, you will not get equal outcome. The position for elders will primarily be occupied by men with the more agreeable, compliant helpers being women in the background.

    Prejudice is more a myth based on feminists' claims than the real issue at hand, which is social constructs as nature has paved for our survival as a species.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Men and women are equal but different.

    There are differences between the two sexes in genetics, anatomy and behaviour.

    On average, men are taller, have greater muscle mass and greater physical strength.

    Men tend to be more attracted to high risk-high reward activities whereas women tend to be much more sensible.

    Woman and men tend to make different life choices ... this is the reason why women dominate nursing but not STEM.

    It's not sexism or The Patriarchy but biological fact ... it's just the way it is.

    Maybe even more controversially, there are slight differences between races.

    It's no accident that the Olympic 100m final is contested almost exclusively by black athletes. Only one non-black male has run the 100m less than 10 secs. All the other sub-ten secs times have been clocked by black sprinters.

    I think there have been studies on IQ tests and ethnicity done in America. From what I remember, the highest mean IQ score was by Asian-Americans (Chinese and Japanese heritage), then came white Americans, then Latinos, then black Americans. This difference is only slight - I'm not claiming that the Chinese are the master race or that African-Americans are dumb, for instance.

    Of course, the biological fact of gender differences has nothing to do with the gender inequality of the WTS.

    How many sisters could give excellent public talks if allowed? There must be many.

  • Xanthippe
    Well, high levels of cooperation and compassion are not the sorts of traits typically found in corporate CEOs or people with positions of power elsewhere.

    I agree, WakeMe, and yet these very traits helped us survive as a species. Even Neanderthals apparently survived for a very long time because they cooperated with one another and had compassion for their badly wounded as is evidenced by survival after severe injury.

    It seems that what we might call masculine traits in leaders are relatively new. I often wonder when the 'feminine' traits became so diminished. Possibly when we became so successful as a species and our technology advanced to such a level that survival did not demand much cooperation and compassion and ruthlessness came to the fore in leaders.

    Fortunately these traits have survived in both men and women, perhaps it's a recessive gene? Interesting isn't it?

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