How do elders know when someone is ready to be reinstated?
by marsal 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is a scientific test that they use to determine if the person is full repentant or not and whether or not they have been fully punished for their crimes. It is 100% accurate.
I am happily DF'd and would never again want to be a JW, but, I was curious how elders decide when someone is ready to be reinstated?
Repentance is a private matter between an individual and God, so at what point do the elders think the person is repentant enough to be reinstated?
They make you write a letter requesting reinstatement and then meet with you to determine repentance. They can never really know if a person is ready or not to regain club privileges.
They read's quite simple you know.
run dont walk
they just know, who are we to question.
just like the "annoited" class, they just know.
The person may be required to re-study approved materials for a time. At the end of each study, the penitent has a friendly discussion with his favorite elder. He will be required to display appropriate humility and patience while begging for reinstatement. His motives will be carefully scrutinized. If turned down, his disappointment will be also be scrutinized for any sign of chafing under the yoke of reproof. This can take years.
Of course, if the DF'd one has connections, the reinstatement could take as short as three months.
As sarcastic as it sounds, I believe it is most closely tied to the need of the elders to have their butts kissed. You see, to me it seems that the degree of punishment has very little to do with the seriousness of the offense. Sit at the back, absorb the shunning, put on subserviant face - all for some preconceived notion of a penitance period. Once the elders have had their need for recognition sated, they go ahead and reinstate.
So my parents and my ex both getting their respective PO's to call the PO in my hall, as well as them both writing a letter to th CO, complaining about how things have been handled since I was DF'd isn't really going to help my case to get reinstated....? Its the CO's visit very soon, I expect it all to kick off then!
Uh, oh Gadget. Better switch halls and start with a new batch of elders. Of course, that means you have to start back at the beginning of the penitent march. But that has to be better than trying to appear appropriately humble in front of a bunch of angry elders that have just been reamed out by their CO.