Font Madness.

by hillary_step 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    I guess I deserved that, HS, but you misunderstood. Oh well...

    Thanks for the kind wishes. Yes, I'm feeling back to my ol' self, a bit embarrassed to have revealed a down moment to the board. We live and learn.

  • waiting
    I thought this was going to be an entertaining post about baptismal shenanigans in church.

    Expatbrit (default quote size)

    I thought this was going to be an entertaining post about baptismal shenanigans in church.

    Expatbrit (size 2)

    worth repeating for emphasis.

  • sf

    Why can't you and a few others cope with how some CHOOSE to express THEIR words? What is 'it' that bothers you so that you must find some way to try and alter others communication techniques?

    Live and LET live!

    Why even post about it? Who are you or for that matter, is anyone to dictate, in certain terms, how to put OUR text into conTEXT? Unless of course it is riddled with profanity and attacks.

    Geezus people. Come into yahoo and I won't need to text at all. You can hear my words. Oh yea, nevermind.


  • hillary_step


    Why can't you and a few others cope with how some CHOOSE to express THEIR words? What is 'it' that bothers you so that you must find some way to try and alter others communication techniques?

    Is this your subtle way to entice me like an Internet Siren, into Yahoo voice chat? Well, I ain't falling for it. We Mason's are more in tune than you might think....

    On a more serious note, you have I know been Internet connected for some while. My rant at the use of large fonts in a discussion Board arena have nothing to do with Hillary Step, but all to do with accepted international 'netiquette', as I am sure you well know. Why can you not cope with such realties.

    Why even post about it?

    Because I wanted to, and then I did.


  • sf


    This was, yet you missed it:

    Come into yahoo and I won't need to text at all. You can hear my words.

    Too cryptic? Or just too subtle?

    lolololol, sKally

  • hillary_step
    Too cryptic? Or just too subtle?

    Too Kryptic, if you understand my crypticism.


  • Valis

    *LOL* Better watch out hill...Jah Meshugina Mealchizadeck Jahlabil Salaim & a Bagel might come to strike you down!!!!...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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