good post!
Some of the Arab nations make billions from oil. Why haven't they raised the best army money can buy in the way of the latest armament and just taken Israel out.
for several reasons.
a) because they are either idiots or corrupt.
b) because neither israel nor the US or europe would allow this to happen.
c) because they lack the required personell and technichinas.
Why haven't they formed a "coalition" to do so.
again because the majority are idiots or corrupt. but also because the west works using the principle divide et impera. the west will not allow leaders to take over in the arab world that could pose a threat to the west. iraq, lybia, iran etc. are examples of that. the west is prepared especially since the OPEC crisis.
Don't give me the usual line "Well its because of the Americans". The oil producing countries could just say to the USA "No more oil off us if you interfere". Why not?
because the US and the other western countries would eliminate any leader attempting such a thing. iran (although not an arabic state) is the prime example.
Also when I seen the Palestinian towns they seem to run down and in bad condition. Why haven't the wealthy Arab nations helped build up these towns. They could have the best schools, hospitals, housing etc.That would shame Israel . But they seem content to supply money for arms and explosives instead.
very true. such support would not have erased the injustice done to the arabs in the palestine region but it could have helped them to develop a healthy economy. unfortunately neither israel nor the corrupt arabic leaders have an honoarble interest in the palestinians.
if one looks at these filthy rich sheiks in saudi arabia, oman etc. who spend billions for their private luxury one could start puking right away! (especially when considering how rotten poor 95% of all arabs are).
Has Israel just become the excuse for all the ills of the Arab/Muslim world.
apparently. the western world is indeed responsible for a lot of what went wrong in the region but the arabs contribute their fair share on this disaster.