Israeli Propoganda

by Yerusalyim 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Yerusalyim


    I'm not anti-Arab, I'm pro-Israeli...BIG difference. I WANT Palestine to become a State, I want Palestine and Israel to live in PEACE. Hamas and the other terror organizations want to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth, there in lies the problem.


    the 1908 census you keep refering to included ALL of what was then called Palestine, which included large chunks of what is now Jordan, lebenon, and Syria. The Jews moved in...BOUGHT land, and developed it. The Arabs moved in, in most cases squated and with 5 armies attacked Israel in 1948. Again, if ya look at your maps, you'll see that little term "Zionist" which at best make your maps suspect.

  • Realist


    attacking the numbers can't help you. before you call me unrealist make a reality check for yourself man!!OpenDocument

    In mid May 1948, when Israel proclaimed its existence as a state, Jews were still less than one-third of the population of Palestine. Jewish land-ownership, as a result of the expulsion of the Arabs, jumped from nearly 7% of Palestine to 79%; thus it was military force, rather than a half century of land purchases (largely from Arab absentee landowners), that was the primary method by which the land of Palestine became the land of Israel.

    the census shows that almost the entire jewish population in 1908 was concentrated in the jeruslem area. the rest of the country was owned / inhabited by arabs.

    the israelis played the WWII/holocaust card very well! and nobody can blame them ...but it doesn'T change the injustice displayed towards the arabs!

  • outnfree


    except there WAS no land of Palestine -- at least not in any definable, autonomous government sort of way. Just nomads and village sheiks.


  • Realist


    except there WAS no land of Palestine -- at least not in any definable, autonomous government sort of way. Just nomads and village sheiks.

    so??? you mean because there was no official gov. the arabs who lived there did not have a right to stay there? reminds me of the situation with the indians in america.

  • Gordy

    I've often been puzzled that there is this little Jewish nation surrounded by millions of Arab Muslims. Some of the Arab nations make billions from oil. Why haven't they raised the best army money can buy in the way of the latest armament and just taken Israel out. Why haven't they formed a "coalition" to do so. Don't give me the usual line "Well its because of the Americans". The oil producing countries could just say to the USA "No more oil off us if you interfere". Why not? Do the oil producing countries need American dollars as much as America needs their oil.

    Also when I seen the Palestinian towns they seem to run down and in bad condition. Why haven't the wealthy Arab nations helped build up these towns. They could have the best schools, hospitals, housing etc.That would shame Israel . But they seem content to supply money for arms and explosives instead.

    Has Israel just become the excuse for all the ills of the Arab/Muslim world.

  • Robdar

    I was going to come to this thread to disagree with Yeru, as I always do. But then, I heard his sexy voice in my mind, and I just can't argue with him. Woowee, Yeru, you have a very nice voice.

    Okay, I will prance out of the forum now.


  • Realist


    good post!

    Some of the Arab nations make billions from oil. Why haven't they raised the best army money can buy in the way of the latest armament and just taken Israel out.

    for several reasons.

    a) because they are either idiots or corrupt.

    b) because neither israel nor the US or europe would allow this to happen.

    c) because they lack the required personell and technichinas.

    Why haven't they formed a "coalition" to do so.

    again because the majority are idiots or corrupt. but also because the west works using the principle divide et impera. the west will not allow leaders to take over in the arab world that could pose a threat to the west. iraq, lybia, iran etc. are examples of that. the west is prepared especially since the OPEC crisis.

    Don't give me the usual line "Well its because of the Americans". The oil producing countries could just say to the USA "No more oil off us if you interfere". Why not?

    because the US and the other western countries would eliminate any leader attempting such a thing. iran (although not an arabic state) is the prime example.

    Also when I seen the Palestinian towns they seem to run down and in bad condition. Why haven't the wealthy Arab nations helped build up these towns. They could have the best schools, hospitals, housing etc.That would shame Israel . But they seem content to supply money for arms and explosives instead.

    very true. such support would not have erased the injustice done to the arabs in the palestine region but it could have helped them to develop a healthy economy. unfortunately neither israel nor the corrupt arabic leaders have an honoarble interest in the palestinians.

    if one looks at these filthy rich sheiks in saudi arabia, oman etc. who spend billions for their private luxury one could start puking right away! (especially when considering how rotten poor 95% of all arabs are).

    Has Israel just become the excuse for all the ills of the Arab/Muslim world.

    apparently. the western world is indeed responsible for a lot of what went wrong in the region but the arabs contribute their fair share on this disaster.

  • Yerusalyim


    Darlin, you have a lovely voice yourself. I'm trying to find an excuse to go visit my sister this summer...lunch? dinner?... BREAKFAST???

    I'll behave.


    You said,

    I've often been puzzled that there is this little Jewish nation surrounded by millions of Arab Muslims. Some of the Arab nations make billions from oil. Why haven't they raised the best army money can buy in the way of the latest armament and just taken Israel out. Why haven't they formed a "coalition" to do so. Don't give me the usual line "Well its because of the Americans". The oil producing countries could just say to the USA "No more oil off us if you interfere". Why not? Do the oil producing countries need American dollars as much as America needs their oil.

    Ummm, don't read history much, do you. Does 1973 ring a bell, Oil embargo against the US, Attack on Israel by a coalition of Arab countries? UMMMM? And not the first Coalition either, five Arab armies did indeed attack Israel when it was created as a Nation in 1948. Without the aide of foriegn governments the Israelis defeated these armies and EARNED it's right to exist.


    Until you, and your Arab buddies accept that Israel exists and will continue to exist, there will be no peace.

    unfortunately neither israel nor the corrupt arabic leaders have an honoarble interest in the palestinians.
    You should include in that statement the leaders of Hamas and the other terrorists groups, and the Egyptian, Arafat, who has become a multi BILLIONAIRE on the backs of the Palestinian People he claims to hold so dear.
  • Yerusalyim

    If the Arabs (Moslems) put down their weapons today there would be no more violence. If the Israelis put down their weapons today there would be no more Israel.
    Think about it...
    What happened during the war of 1948 that caused the Palestinian refugee problem? Did the Jews expel the Arabs?

    • The British had wrestled Palestine away from the Ottoman Turks in 1917, and they occupied Palestine until 1947, and shortly thereafter, the United Nations voted to divide western Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab areas. The Jews accepted this plan, and the Arabs rejected it. Not only did they reject the UN partition plan, but 7 Arab nations decided to attack the fledgeling Jewish microstate with public proclamations of Jewish extermination. It was surrounding these events that the Palestinian Arab refugee problem was born:

    • "According to official records of the League of Nations and Arab census figure 539,000 Arabs left Israel at the urging of 7 converging Arab armies so that they would not be in the way of their attack. They promised the fleeing Arabs they would return and move into the Jews ' houses after the anticipated successful annihilation of the Jews .

      "We know that 850,000 Jews were ejected from the Arab countries where they had lived for hundreds of years. This included successful people whose property and assets, including community assets were immediately confiscated. 750,000 penniless Jews from Arab countries fled to Israel .

      "This was a virtual exchange of population. The Jewish refugees were immediately accepted by the new State of Israel. They were provided with shelter (albeit temporary tents) food and clothing.

      "The Arab refugees who had migrated to various Arab nations were not similarly well received. They were regarded not as Arab brothers but as unwelcome migrants who were not to be trusted. Squalid refugee camps were set up as showpieces to induce the West's sympathy and kept that way. The UN through UNRWA (UN Relief Agency) provided assistance to the camps when the host country could not or would not. These camps became a training ground for terrorist youth to be targeted at Israel. The host country, like Syria, would provide training, weapons and explosives, but refused to absorb the Arab refugees as equal citizens. Keeping them in misery made them valuable and irreplaceable as angry front line terrorists attacking Israel as proxies for the Arab armies who lost to the Jews on the field of battle in declared wars. The Twin Pillars supporting Arab Muslim society are "Pride and Shame". Losing to the Jews on the battlefield time and again in 6 wars shattered the self perception of the Macho Man.

      - Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst & commentator

    U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs

    Of the 175 United Nations Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel. The U.N. was silent while 58 Jerusalem synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians destroyed 58 Jerusalem Synagogues and systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians prevented Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

    This anti-Israel stance of the UN is a natural consequence of its membership structure. 21 members of the UN are Arab countries, and 52 members represent Islamic countries. Since the Arab Israeli conflict is represented as a religious conflict (see article) Israel as the only Jewish state has no chance for a fair hearing in the UN.

  • Realist


    Until you, and your Arab buddies accept that Israel exists and will continue to exist, there will be no peace.

    ok since your pathetic attempt to discredit the numbers didn'T work i see you try to change the topic. that won't help your argumentation either. fact is israel is the aggressor and therefore they would have to make the first step towards peace (in which they are not interested until all the land belongs to them).

    the PLO and arafat accepted israel. for some reason i am not surprised you didn't know that.

    You should include in that statement the leaders of Hamas and the other terrorists groups, and the Egyptian, Arafat, who has become a multi BILLIONAIRE on the backs of the Palestinian People he claims to hold so dear.

    arafat is a billionair? get a grip on reality man! he would be the most dedicated person on the palnet....having billions (on swiss bank accounts i assume!? ) and still sits in one of the shittiest places on the planet. partially surrounded by israeli forces risking his life.

    the leaders of hamas just like most leaders are most likely primarily interested in their own power. however they are risking their life so their dedication to the cause of a palestinian state (regardless of how unrational it may be) seems very high.

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