Israeli Propoganda

by Yerusalyim 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • willy_think

    I find this "there was no Palestine State" so there is no right to a Palestinian State to sound ridiculous coming from Americans.

    The fact being there was no united states and no Americans until the rightful government of the colonies was overthrown. A government we fought to keep 5 years before we fought to rid "our land" of it.

    Dreams of reparation, of self determination and of a nation of the people, for the people is not an American dream but it is a human dream requiring no preexisting political conditions.

  • Hamas

    Good point, Willy !

    You know, theres a story about an American Indian that used to own some land more than 100 years ago. A white man come along, threatened him and his family and told him to leave. The Indian, so as to avoid conflict, decided to simply give up his land and settle somplace else. As agreement was made, the two men shook hands and left.

    Two years later, the Indian came back to visit his homeland. On spotting him, the white man shot him dead.

    Sad to see this kind of mentality and strategy still exists among Americans. Not only do they carry out this story for themselves, they allow Israel to do so also.

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