Did you consider yourself a real student of the Bible, one who regularly read the Scriptures, with a view to helping others learn the "truth" of God's Word?
Were You Ever A Bible Student???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Absolutely. When I was in school, I regularly preached to the other kids, and got my ass kicked for the trouble. I loved comparing scriptures with other versions of the Bible. At Christmas time a couple of years, I gave a little talk in front of the class about the origins of Christmas, information that I got from the encylopedia.
What an idiot I was.
I liked to think I was, and sometimes I was actually convinced. Other times I knew that I was taking a shortcut by taking the WTS' teachings at face value and simply holding to the writings in that damnable Watchtower rag. I just memorized the handful of disparate scriptures as though they held together to make a point.
Fact is, I knew nothing of the bible then. I never looked at any bible book to understand it in its context. I never asked or found how why it was written.
Sadder than sad.
LOL@Bigtex I hated being in school when bible questions would come up, kids would always turn to look at me.....like I farted or something.
As a dub, I read through the Bible several times. Whenever I did the Bible Highlights, I prided myself on picking my points based on my own reading of the text, rather than lifting ideas from the Watchtower. And in fact, most of the conclusions I came to about the wrongness of the Society's doctrines, I came to on my own, without recourse to "apostate" texts. So yeah, I definitely thought I knew the Bible.
I'm now finding, however, that I know nowhere near as much as I thought I did. Even though I was reading the Bible for myself, I was still seeing it through WTS lenses. So I've got a lot of catching up to do.
I sure did. That was my 'claim to fame'. I was one of those annoying people who was raised in the 'truth' who thought they knew it all...and made sure everyone knew it. Not only was I ignorant, but I was prideful as well.
I look back on how I thought, and the things I said and did...and I think about how I really felt in my heart--and I am so embarrassed.
Yes, I truly believed that I was a student of the Bible and I had a sincere desire to help others. Later, I realized I was not truly a student of the Bible; rather, a student of WTBTS doctrines.
Ditto Banshee
Nope. I believed in what the WTS taught but I still only studied the bare minium and did as few hours of service that was allowed. I spent most of my teens waiting to die at Armaggedon.