In the past 24 hours, the world has been breaking into fragments. What will be the Outcome??

by liam 16 Replies latest social current

  • hoser

    Trump talks a lot and he is a good negotiator.

    In negotiations if you ask for something unacceptable like Canada or Greenland giving up their sovereignty then the counterparty will be more agreeable to a lesser demand, which is probably what trump wants.

  • TonusOH

    Vidiot: So… what if “Make America Great Again” really means “Make America a Superpower Again”?

    If there's one thing Trump knows, it is marketing. People argue over what is meant by "great" and whether the USA was ever great, depending on the metric used. Trump's whole marketing plan is to complain that politicians have gotten so complacent and corrupt that it has dragged the nation down, thus his plan to pull it out of that tailspin.

    I never thought that he would really try to "drain the swamp." He admitted that he was a creature of that same swamp, after all. And I don't think he made an attempt at it in his first term. I think this is more of a revenge tour than a legitimate attempt at fixing our government structure, and I think the task is all but impossible. But I'd also love to see a forced shrinking of the federal government; having the curtain pulled back on at least some of the corruption that is wasting taxpayer money would be a bonus.

    This all comes with the obvious caveat: anything that his administration finds that might get Republicans in trouble will almost certainly be ignored in favor of targeting the political left. He won't really drain the swamp as much as he will filter out some of the waste and corruption. And, depending on how things go in the next two/four years, any progress he manages to make might simply be unwound by the next administration.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Yes. A Great America is a Superpower. The fact you agree that it has to happen “again” means that America since Clinton has lost that status.

    So If that is the case, first of all the JW prophecy of the King of the North/South has fallen apart. Second of all, would you rather it was China that is the superpower. Because that is your choice, if you give up American hegemony, it’s going to be a cabal between Islam and Communism ruling the world.

    As far as the German election, that was to be expected. A center-left and center-right party must now combine into a coalition government and the left wing party leader is bashing America and steering for more war in Ukraine. What else is new?

    Also the UN bashing the peace process and condemning Russia and the US in a pointless vote (because Russia can veto unilaterally), Ukraine and EU stands with Hamas against Israel and Zelensky and EU doesn’t want to join any peace talks while Putin is open to them.

    All of the above has been the status quo for the past several years, now that Trump is in office, the media is finally passing information and blaming Trump when NOTHING has changed and Trump is the only people that want to change are being blamed. 2 years ago Putin was open to peace talks and Biden sent them more missiles and jet fighters instead. The last German election had similar results and the will of the people was ignored in favor of coalition left-wing government.

  • Vidiot

    I just don’t want Canada getting bulldozed over as a result of other countries’ ambitions…

    …we don’t fucking deserve that.

    We’d probably even play ball if the tactics weren’t so heavy-handed.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Vidiot: the snow Mexicans definitely deserve it, you elected Trudeau over and over again.

  • mikeflood

    It's the cry of "peace and security" and then the end of the world !!!!

    Just kidding, the world has stayed for millions and millions of years, so it's gonna be still after tomorrow.

    It's just a geopolitical rearrangement, happens from time to time.

  • hoser

    Anony mous

    Trudeau didn’t win the popular vote last time around. The conservatives did.

    We don’t keep voting him back in.

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